BOOSTED REBASE REWARDS for long term stakers

Check METAVERSE’s 6,6 POOL idea, it greatly increased their price. We might be able to do something similar here, maybe even better.

I like this proposals well and think it benefits all the long term investors.


I can’t say i’m any good with numbers but when something makes sense, it just does!
I can see some real value in this concept but most of all it is the communication within the community that will count.

Let’s keep pushing forward & support all our fellow FROG!

i strongly disagree.

There is a so called “Compound interest effect”.

The APY isnt APR

Most of the money from TIME for a 1 year span will come in the last weeks

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First, I guess there was no point for him to explain to you his concept if you cannot grasp at least the idea behind it, and is so opinionated that can’t think critically nor constructively. If you don’t like his idea you can always just agree to disagree. NO NEED TO BE RUDE AND CALL HIM A TROLL.

Second, I don’t understand why all every one cares about is: MORE APY MORE APY MORE APY!!
How can we reward long term stakers? By doing nothing. The longer they stake, the stronger the compounding effect. Wow! That was easy.

Third, by boosting the APY, we only increase the rate at which dilution becomes an issues, the rate a which we go through the runaway and how fast we hit the price of 1$, like OHM wants to achieve, if we were to keep this model.


I think you need to read a bit more on this if you thinking minting is the only thing that causes dilution.

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I like how people like to shout their opinions, but they don’t even want to put some effort to understand what they are talking about :slight_smile: .
You just heard the term “revenue share” and you think it is completely something different, but you don’t realize that APY is the same thing ( amount of rewards), no matter what the source is, minting of revenue share.

What is the other reason for dilution now?
I like how you just rant that me , supposedly, don’t understand some concept without pointing out what was the ‘misunderstanding’. Tell us master of defi. how else TIME is diluted right now?

No thanks. Happy holidays to you and your family.

Thats what I thought.

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Happy we are on the same page.

I use to be in the camp of increasing APY but with my recent exposure to smaller HIGH APY forks I have changed my mind. It is hard to balance this and if the future vision is Revenue share then APY as it is works great. I am against changing how the APY policy works at this moment. Lets just wait and see how the camp develops.

There are plenty of other High APY forks out there just try one of them(at your own caution).

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I get you and I also agree, increasing the overall APY is not really good for the value of the token. But this idea is not about increasing the overall APY, but differentiating between the long term holders and short term holders, the average weighted APY would stay the same, there would be just slight increase to reward the one that stake long term.

I thought I would use my first post to reply to you fren,

But firstly, please excuse me if what I write just won’t work or is simply stupid, I won’t be offended.

So, I had an idea a while back that with DeFi everyone wants control of their money and not having to deal with the financial institutions of old.
What will seem reasonable or a good idea, will undoubtably be the total opposite for others.

With this in mind, and from spending probably far too much time on reddit, I have seen the following:

Some people don’t understand the compounding interest and why you should apply this to the amount of TIME you gain, not the financial element of it.
Some people panic with even the slightest drop or a good gain.
Some people are investing money they really can’t afford to lose, which if that’s what they want to do then fine, we have no control over what an individual does with their money.
Some people heavily believe in the Wonderland project and the eco-system and on the other hand some don’t.
Some people don’t fully realise that pulling rebase rewards out stops your compounding ontop of that rebase.
Lastly, and something I will only go over briefly, looping MIM, there just seems to be a lot of confusion.

Typically and somewhat more bluntly, we have what seems to be a couple of groups of people, and please anyone reading this I am not trying to cause offence, but we have the clueless, the clued and the clued up.

So, now I have mentioned problems, how do we solve them?

As I mentioned earlier and in what is also my personal opinion, I should be able to do whatever I want with my money and I don’t want regulations or rules telling me otherwise, I should be able to make my own choices - the key word here being ‘choices’

Let’s suppose for a second that we have 2 individuals that are invested in Wonderland. Person A wants to buy in now and hold, whereas Person B is nervous and will make decisions based on a whim. How do we appease both but still make Wonderland an attractive proposition?

OP I like your idea of a Rebase Booster, but let’s try something additional to that.

Person A wants to hold, we know that… so let’s offer him the opportunity to voluntarily lock his staked TIME for a 1 year period. He will automatically qualify for a higher rebase or rebase booster in recognition of him locking his tokens in. If he then wants to add additional TIME to his existing balance again there is a choice for him, he can add it to his already locked in balance or keep it outside of this and do as he pleases.
Now Person A wants to wrap his MEMO into wMEMO and borrow MIM, well no problem, he will still benefit from the higher rebase reward or the rebase booster as he has locked in TIME. If he wants to loop MIM back into TIME, this process could be automated so it adds the additional tokens into the locked total.
Whether the rebasing stops and the reward method changes , Person A will automatically receive a higher amount. Person A is already holding long term as he believes in the project so probably won’t be too worried about a change in the reward system coming into play.
However, as a caveat let’s say Person A doesn’t like the change in rewarding, he should be given a clear window of opportunity to withdraw from the locking as this is a change from the original inception of the process. I feel that this could be likened to a cell phone contract, where there is a price change that is out of scope for the contract, you are given 30 days to either stay on the new price plan or change provider, even though your only part way through your existing contract, if that makes sense.
If Person A does decide to exit the lock due to this, at the point where he exits, his collateral is automatically moved outside of the higher rebase reward/booster tier.

This still leaves us with Person B, let’s say this person is new to crypto and either has doubts about the project, maybe just wants to test the project out or really just wants to make a profit and run.
Well, Person B isn’t going to lock in any amount whatsoever nor he is even going to entertain it. Well the question now is, we have satisfied Person A as someone who is willing to see out the project over the long term, how do we appease person B and keep him interested?
This is fairly simple, when Person B invests in TIME, then stakes it, he will still benefit from a good APY and also a good rebase rate but Person B can exit whenever he chooses to, just like we all can at the moment. Maybe he wants to go and get rugged with another project haha! or panics when the price tanks and wants out before he loses any gains.

It is nigh on impossible to appease everyone in every scenario, but I do agree that early investors and long term holders should be rewarded in someway, but people who either don’t want to get in early or hold shouldn’t feel like they have missed out and therefore we lose them to a different project.

I read another post on here from a member saying that it should be up to them as to what they do with their money or investments and that’s totally right. The same can be said if I had no choice but to lock my TIME for a year, would I risk it? Who is Wonderland to tell me what to do with my finances? However, give me a choice, a voluntary choice, well now this changes things. I might feel more inclined to do it now because the decision is now up to me as an individual, there is an additional reward mechanism in place if I do and if I am looking at it, then I must clearly be interested or intrigued in it.

Just a thought :slight_smile:

What if they kept the rebase structure but airdropped avax, weth, cvx,spell,ice to time stakers who continue staking over a long period of time and would begin until 3 months of staking in and the longer you stake the more you receive via airdrop to keep people loyal

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The way I see it early inventors get rewarded with the APY which if you sell out or unstake you lose that advantage. If 70k APY in a good ecosystem with doxxed founders is not enough then idk what to tell you. That should be enough incentive. I’m not a fan of creating a two tier system or a complex system trying to please everyone. Time should be a free market where people can come and go whenever they want… same with defi in general.

What if person A who believes in the project locks their time up for a year and in a few months the project takes a turn that person A no longer agrees with? Defi 2.0 is a new concept in an already extremely volatile space. At anytime anything can happen (regulations, black swan events, or even personal, etc) and its just easier to give people the freedom to choose.


I agree @Nate111 and I was only offering something more to the OP’s original idea.

I think that the idea if we buy - stake - hold we will all end up happy is a great idea and one I have been doing for almost 2 months now.

I think that what we are seeing is a thought process that follows along the lines of if the project is expanding, shouldn’t the holders get rewarded for that.

Personally speaking this is where the ponzinomics come in which should give us what the above is about. If you get in early, regardless of your initial investment after a few months the rate of compounding TIME will mean we are getting a terrific return rate and if Person B came in 6 months down the line, he would be getting rewarded but that might be at a lower APY over the year. Especially if he bought in at a high price.

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While I like the idea, it’s not sustainable. You can’t lock APY due to the volatility of the market and the high APY offered. You wanted a locked APY or better yet APR, you realistically might be able to sustain 20-50% due to market dynamics.

I would say no. I think a better method is charge a withdrawal tax persay to people that don’t go long. Make it 10% that would feed back into the treasury. You could also make it a decaying withdrawal fee.


  1. Hold less that 30 days = 15% withdrawal tax
  2. Hold less that 90 days = 10% withdrawal tax
  3. Hold less than 6 months = 5% withdrawal tax
  4. Hold more than 6 months = no tax
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I’m glad this is being discussed. That said, I’m just HODL long to reap the rewards from TIME. I believe we’re so early in the game that things are only going to get better.

Maybe the rebase boost could be paid out in straight MEMO?

Is the voting based on how much time you own, or 1 person 1 vote?