CounterProposal to BASTION: New governance, strategy and controls

Guys, a message from noob investors like me. We invested because we believed we will be able to grow with this project. If we cash out, we will take cents on Dollars. I request you all experts to work together and save this project. All eyes are on Wonderland. If it falls, it will take down many DAO’s with it. The future of DAO’s depend on Wonderland. (In my opinion) Please work together and find best possible management, make sure no funny business anymore. Thank you

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I am a tiny investor with wMEMO staked. How can I vote? I want to save this project. Thank you

Yup. I agree to this.

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Go to snapshot look up wonderland


I don’t have snapshot! What s going on?

Google snapshot voting, add your wallet and look up wonderland, their taking the vote right now on keep it or getting rid of it ! Your vote will count on how much Wmemo you own and it dont take your coins, didn’t cost me anything to vote anyways

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Congratulations OctOpouS, very good proposal. It is an organisation and should be run as one with proper structure and levels of control. Also, audit and evidence based review of the events is crucial. Also may i suggest view additions:

  1. The DAO should have a mandate - It should be clearly defined the purpose of the organisation. My understanding since I heard of project is that it is a crypto venture capital and hedge fund with own tradable token.
  2. The business model of the DAO should be properly explained and written down (of course without comprising the profit potential) - a) How is the revenue generated, what are the revenue channels and sources, etc. b) associated cost such as wages, infrastructure required, etc. Naturally this is related with point 1.
  3. Assuming this does not go down the drain, the current chaos and chain of mistakes should be used as an opportunity to improve general public understanding and ours of DeFi space and risk management required. For instance, but not only, what actually caused the liquidation cascading, why backing protocol did not properly activate, is such mechanism actually useful or just a marketing trick. A complex and time consuming analysis is required, but it is going to be in everybody favors if done properly.
  4. An improved communication via hiring professional people. The recent news flows has been extremely confusing. Deciding to close 600m project with 2 days notice is at best childish and malicious at worst.

To throw away everything now is not a logical step given the fact that such projects are in their infancy and this is uncharted territory.

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I am afraid liquidating now seems to be the best option for many that control the majority of the vote:

  • Those who don’t want an audit because they are afraid of what we may discover. Unclear at this stage whether the management prefers a continuation with accountability (what we re proposing) or just a shut down without digging further what happened —> no support received for our proposal.
  • Whales aiming at cashing the discount between the current price vs backing value.

Unfortunately, without a strong social media presence, nor a support from people who may give visibility, we are not capable of pushing this proposal further :frowning:

We have serious investment managers that will happily apply to manage funds for the DAO but no serious manager will touch this if an audit is not done after all the reputation damage occurred the last three days.

If people want to regroup and advance together, happy to try. Otherwise we ll just vote YES to get some money back since no clear management path.

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Very good proposal, but if the project is closed down, then long time holders need to be reimbursed too, not only wMEMO but also MEMO and TIME holders. It should be possible to trace who has been here for a long time and to do an audit on the time & date that that guy (zachxbt.eth) tweeted about the bad news. Those who bought after the news are clearly trying to profit from the situation and should be excluded (facts already known by that time & date).

Maybe this is discussed elsewhere, if so sorry.

Edited: forgotten name now edited, He was the first one to reveal this

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This is the proposal to push. Happy to help spread in the Discord. Transparency is critical.

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This proposal seems solid to me. I’m really curious if the Wonderland team and Dani will read these kind of proposals and will seriously think about it. I just can’t imagine they will just give up. The treasury is big enough to keep it going.

One aspect that i’m missing here is that the whole project should be re-branded into a uniform style. It’s time to get rid of the mixed appearance of the project. A clean, fresh start is needed with this. Hire a marketing agency, let them re-brand it for the frognation. It’s time to take this to the next level.

We have joined forces, worked 24h with many members of the community and came with a more exhaustive one.
Check Wonderland 2.0

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Great question. I want to hear this answer too.

Great proposal and lots of good feedback in here.

Make the Committee an odd number of people to avoid tie votes.

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