[DAO Discussion] Avalanche Liquid Staking Proposal šŸ”ŗ

Guys I see a lot of frogs still donā€™t get the full benefits of Liquid Staking for the whole ecosystem, they are MASSIVE

Hereā€™s a thread on the argument:

To synthesize whatā€™s in the thread:
Liquid staking is the future of L1 tokens because of:

  1. need for decentralization
  2. price stability and dex liquidity
  3. composabiloty of yeld

Every L1 POS chain will move to liquid staking to improve on the aforementioned.
How will it empower the frognation?

  1. sushi gets the best incentives for L1staking derivatives/MIM pools
  2. people move delegations from CEX to wonderlandā€™s Liquid staking
  3. sushi gets the deepest liquidity
  4. massive capital influx into wonderlandā€™s treasury
  5. broader MIM adoption (and also deepest liquidity)
    ā€¦ And the virtuous cycle goes on (go like and retweet the thread to read more about this vision)

Also Liquid staking tokens can be collateralised on abracadabra:
Deposit L1 liquid staking tokens as collateral > borrow underlying L1 token > lock into wonderlandā€™s Liquid staking service > put back as collateral > keep folding like this to get amazing leveraged staking rewards with close to 0 liquidation risk.

This is gonna really be amazing


@Liscivia_Honey_DAOā€™s post above gives a fantastic summary. I donā€™t think I can articulate it better than the man himself:


I think the biggest value (aside from to the Wonderland treasury) is in democratising access to staking. As per the proposal, the minimums for Avalanche staking are often high relative to most usersā€™ wallets.

This presents a great opportunity to bring new users into the Wonderland ecosystem, reward them (via liquid staking) for doing so, and hand them liquid assets with which they can invest in other Wonderland properties.

For instance, you could earn yield on your stAVAX in Popsicle, borrow MIM against your stAVAX in Abracadabra, and LP for the AVAX/stAVAX pair on Sushi, all of which compound Wonderlandā€™s revenue.

I imagine this is the way the puzzle pieces fit together in Daniā€™s mind.


Itā€™s win win for time and avalanche

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I donā€™t think the general consensus is that liquid staking is a bad idea, itā€™s the way itā€™s being presented here thatā€™s giving folks second thoughts. You donā€™t have to read to far into the discussion thread to see all of the concerns regarding: terms, duration, compensation, proof of concept, vetting of the team, etcā€¦

I agree, this could be huge, but we need to be careful and not charge ahead just because we want to do something. Letā€™s make sure that Dani and Sifuā€™s hard work to date is rewarded instead of tested.

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Adding to this I think itā€™s really important to try to put yourself in the shoes of new retail investors.

Most of them are too far down the learning curve to be ready to participate in a DAO, farming, etc. They want the next opportunity not the old ones. They want passive income that can actually improve their lives, not to become master traders and crypto analysts. Liquid staking on AVAX and FTM eliminates entry barriers and makes all that possible.

The Wonderland/Frog Nation vision is the most ā€œmetaā€ thing there is in crypto right now. This is just one piece of that puzzle. Accelerating network effect is how you win, not by obsessing over short term price action.


100% approved! Together Frog stronk :muscle:

Highly import point to make, not everyone understands what liquid staking means, and there was clearly an intent to bring to awareness this subject to the community. No need to dish any contribution to the discussion.

Have that said, it is clearly stated by Dani himself since last december how he views this opportunity and how fundamental it is for the ecosystem.

Whatā€™s the next stp? What needs to be done to take this proposal to the next level?

Alright, we are taking too long here before moving to an RFC. And I truly believe we are beyond asking ourselves if this is the right play, as many times Dani tweets about this has been brought up.
Also I have to remind that within the vision for the ecosystem this DAO is meant to compete with VCs as Dani has tweeted few times. This is our first move acting like a VC!

So, moving this to RFC section we can put behind 4 year concern as @j_rana already addressed, but few highlights are:

Also no need to further discuss the split share (75/25) as I think it is pretty clear that this incentivizes further the team to deliver quality and maintenance of the platform, also it is already proposed it will eventually fall to 15%. The proposer also extensively shared the modelling compensation to arrive on those numbers, here:
( https://dao.wonderland.money/t/dao-discussion-avalanche-liquid-staking-proposal/3729/135#h-1-what-would-be-our-potential-earnings-from-different-monetisation-methods-2 )

In my view trying to summarize community concerns here, what really needs to be taken to RFC are:

1. Better denominate a break clause

2. Proposer already agreed in a KPI grant model with a 3M upfront, formally discuss the parameters for it (reminder that 6M is 0.6% of the treasury, and a value made within days)

3. Decide whether the grant will be in MIM or TIME

4. Include a Clear timeline with milestones (this, in some way, links to KPI)

5. If proposer, as suggested by @g_bcn , is open to include specific terms and conditions for the ā€œteamā€ to provide post-launch services to Wonderland ā€“ i.e. ow fast should issues be resolved, penalties, etc. (kind addressed in the level of commitment accounted for the modelling compensation)


I do think the $6 million is low to us, but at the same time itā€™s very high compared to other deals. I would like to consider a smaller cost of $1-2 million for development cost. This would be a nice annual salary for any Dev and doesnā€™t include the revenue share.

And then as we hit certain market share/revenue, we can pay out ā€œbonusesā€ to the dev team. For example:

And we could even extend this kind of bonus structure to higher market shares. Maybe every 5% captured, an additional bonus of $1 million.

Note: once a market share milestone is reached, it has to be maintained for a certain amount of time before being completed. E.g. 2-4 weeks.

They are open to being paid out in TIME, but seems they would want a higher amount relative to MIM. 50% more. This may be a little too high a difference IMO.

They will be 100% responsible for running and maintaining the platform. Their incentive to make it work is the revenue share and market share bonuses I described above. But having a ā€˜penaltyā€™ of some sort for an error on their part may be worth looking into. After reading other similar deals, thatā€™s not something Iā€™ve seen before, so Iā€™m not sure how to implement. I have done some contract audits early in my professional career, but I cant for the life of me remember how these issues were handled.


Hi everyone,
I agree and I accept the proposal.
Take care and stay safe.


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Love this idea, go for it!

Just for clarification since it was discussed a bit in discord.

What they were referring here is not really about a penalty, but more common understanding. A service-level agreement (SLA) is what itā€™s normally referred as. The team works on it all the time, but when X happens, these are the reasonable timeframe to have that fix, etc, etc. Not sure if this is very common in crypto, but seems to be a pretty standard thing for dev team providing a service to another party.

Not sure if thatā€™s how you understood it, but figure Iā€™d reply anyway so other people sees this.


Yeah, SLA was what I figured, but itā€™s not something Iā€™ve seen in any other deal like this at least. And I think the incentives are enough for them to fix anything ASAP. However, if they do start to underperform and we have issues with the platform that are unacceptable we have the break clauseā€¦

This is something I havenā€™t touched on, but the $10 million is excessive. I think this should be completely scrapped. No other deal has this type of clause that I can see. They could easily develop the product, neglect it, leaving us forced to pay the $10 million to cut ties with them.

This is a major red flag for me. In fact, it is the reason I would vote No on this proposal.


No, good you made it clear, i was trying to keep as concise as possible, but failed on that topic.

Ya thats why I said it was kind already addressed, and also why i didnā€™t had an precise point regarding the break clause, it was noticed but barely disclosed.

@j_rana - Could you please clarify if this proposal is to sell your intellectual property (the code) to Wonderland and continue working with us OR if you will keep the IP and just work as a service provider?

Reason Iā€™m asking is, I understand from the proposed costs and break-clause that youā€™re selling us the IP (not just your services). This also means we could actually break in the future (hopefully not) and continue working with other developers as weā€™d have access to the original code.

If I misunderstood (and itā€™s just services), then this is a major red flag to me. I believe weā€™d need to re-discuss the pricing model and break-clause.

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[quote=ā€œKarePan, post:216, topic:3729ā€]
3. Decide whether the grant will be in MIM or TIME

Believe payment terms should be issued in MIM - ā€œStableā€ - there should be no upside to work performance which is metrics driven. If the team or platform wants to invest, that is their upside. You donā€™t typically pay for services which are variable on compensation, highly irregular. Although $TIME is being deprecated, it doesnā€™t matter. You pay a fixed cost for services rendered. An organization wants upside - they should invest like everyone else into the project.

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The DAO discussion has moved to phase 2 of the governance process - [RFC] Request To Comment thread .

This discussion will be locked, please continue the discussion here .

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