[DAO Discussion] Launch Tea Time Liquid Staking and Issue Governance Token

This is a very comprehensive answer. Thank you!


LFG! This explanation here should be noted by mods and helpful members of the community to use themselves, you’re a great communicator. It could be really beneficial for WL if you could have an internal AMA with the team, mods, and some helpful community members to get a chance to lay out some great talking points for everyone to have handy when communicating with the public about this initiative.

This LS protocol can be a very very lucrative opportunity for WL, in addition to a great chance for the protocol to step back into the ecosystem as a serious player again. Wen RFC?


That’s really kind of you, thanks :heart:

I’d be very happy to do an AMA, if the community thinks it would be useful! I’ll message the mods to see if there’s interest :slight_smile:

Haha, thanks! As I understand it, the process is now much shorter: DAO Discussion :arrow_right: WMP vote (@NalX can you confirm I’ve got that right?)

But you can find the RFC from the original proposal from when it was Discussion :arrow_right: RFC :arrow_right: WIP vote here: https://dao.wonderland.money/t/rfc-build-avalanche-liquid-staking-for-wonderland/4301


Correct :slight_smile:

That would be the new process since WIP #32!

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Thank you for writing this out. It’s a great explanation.


Let’s make some money :fire:


Are we promoting this at all. The amount staked has been consistent for some time now.

No, it is not being promoted as it is not yet launched (in fact, the protocol is actively capped to prevent large deposits!) It’s currently just online for internal testing :slightly_smiling_face:

This discussion is for a confirmatory vote, requested by the treasury team, about whether to launch it now that it’s completed :rocket:

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Hi everyone. I noticed the Tea Time site has gone down. I have a few AVAX staked in the contract. What is happening with this project? I would be really keen to see it launch properly.


Page was taken down until we can finalize this vote.
The Management Team is finalizing the Community Framework to have the vote go live, so we should know more soon :slight_smile:


Page was taken down until we can finalize this vote.
The Management Team is finalizing the Community Framework to have the vote go live, so we should know more soon :slight_smile:


Hi @puffysilk! We’re very keen too :slight_smile: We’ve been ready to launch for a few months now, and LSDs are still pumping, but due to some delays on the Wonderland side we’ve not been able to yet. Fingers crossed the Management Team can put the vote live soon! :rocket:

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