[DAO Discussion] Quarterly Redemption Option for Holders

omg… you like literally… like i can’t even, like omg… literally. like you literally are omg, I cant even…

gtfo, it’s not YOUR money, it is MY money.

Since one of the 300K/year paid MODs took the time to write this up. I will volunteer my time as an unpaid investor to respond to your points.

Are you assuming that Wonderland’s current state is not good? What do you mean by its current state? I think the current state is rock fucking solid. Wonderland just had a Rage Quit after a huge upset, that did not kill Wonderland, I don’t know why you would assume this would kill it? Do you mean the current state of the world economy, or crypto world? That it is too hard to make money right now? I don’t think that’s what you are saying, but I don’t agree that current market conditions should deter regular redemptions either.
This question sounds like fear mongering, something along the lines of “Aren’t you worried WMEMO will crash to zero and everyone will loose everything once you make a change?”

If people are investing Wonderland and the market drops, they are trapped. The investors already had their money in Wonderland, they can’t go hit up the local money tree and “buy the dip” every time. The PURPOSE of the redemption is to ALLOW the investor his money back WHEN the market is done. Who’s selling high? Who’s talking about redemption when the price is up? This is for when the market is down.

And to your second, second point, “Screw everyone else and what’s fair to them, now that we have their money they can go suck eggs!” Did I interrupt that correctly? You don’t care about the investor? You only care about the investors money? So it can make Wonderland a magical wonderful place that shits on its investors? Well I say phooey to that.

Please walk me through how you keep investors while shitting on investors? You want LONG TERM investors? Why? So they don’t take their share of their money? Why not just setup a locking staking period then? So everyone would know and agree to being held long term, what you are suggesting is a dick move, to take advantage of folks.

Um… your point is the LONG TERM HODLER is more irrational? I would agree, which is why the rational thing to do is let people out at fair value through a quarterly redemption.


Thank you for your time ser. That being said, I wish you would have put more effort in educating people on why redemption is a positive and why the loss of money from the treasury is not as big of an impact as I made it seem in my, taylor-made full anti-redemption response, instead of filling the gaps of what I may or may not be saying.

To clarify (to you and others who made read), I made this on purpose and said I would do so in Discord.

Proposals on the forum tend to be extremely biased towards passing. Which makes total sense since that is the goal of the proposer. However, for the community to be able to make a better informed choice, we need to take into consideration the negative aspect of a proposal.

Therefore, as you pointed out, since I am being paid for this, I figure it’s part of my role to ensure the community is informed from both perspective. I took some concerns that have been raised about redemption and/or rage quit and placed them in a post. There are gaps and some flawed logic in my arguments.

The goal here was to allow the community to counter or expose those. Unfortunately, while you did some of that, I think you misinterpreted some of what I tried to say (could be the way I worded things).

Either way, my ultimate goal was engagement, so it worked :slight_smile:


Let’s do this, we need a redemption mechanism to be a fund.


And for once I thought your were having a well thought out dialog. Come to find out, its all staged? SMH Nal…

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We need a way out.

Abra is going to fail on partial backing!!! This is DANGEROUS NalX. Don’t defend not getting out. We need to get out!

See my post

Look at this! Why these cauldrons. Its a big hole.

Don’t get it. 631 Million Issued - but 1.8 billion in ERC20 circulation. Whats going on here?

Again, there was only ONE RQ, you stayed, if you want out now, you can do it at market price.

@steven87vt Haha! I wouldn’t say staged. Just that it doesn’t reflect my postion accurately.

I’m willing to argue these points tho. So far most people have mainly repeated the same arguments in favor, not much to argue the actual claims I made.

@TaeKwonDo If you’d like to leave you can use Sushi swap and trade for MIM for best liquidity. Should we have a redemption mecanism ? Maybe, but no one is trapped.

In my post, @ghostzero understood that I meant long term holders were irrational. So let me clarify it for you both.

Long term holders, that believe in the project and want to stay are not irrational. Holders that joined a protocol that DOES NOT have a redemption mecanism expecting to be able to redeem and are choosing to stay and potentially increasing there losses in the hope that maybe one day we would be able to redeem were the irrational one because they were making decisions on hopes and dreams and got to that point without doing proper research.

Also, this is Wonderland, not Abra, if they are going to fail and you believe this will affect your investment, than I suggest you de-risk and sell. Also, please keep the pictures contained in your topic. Once again, no one is trapped.

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no I didn’t, I took the rage quit and bought back in immediately. anyone who didn’t take the rq lost money. that must have been you.

thanks for the clarification and… I still disagree. This is a DAO, this is not the Dani show, or the “that’s how we’ve always done it” status. When the investors want a change no matter how “irrational” you may think it is, the investors will change wonderland. Just look at what has actually made it to a snapshot vote.

The real irrational thinking is that you can’t make it better.

There are traps other than a metal bar box with no escape. Ever hear about Aron Ralston? You may not be trapped in the sense that you can’t get ANYTHING out, just like UST holders are not trapped either, they also can sell for a loss. However, I would argue they are trapped holding below value, or selling at a loss.

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I think you are still missing my point, but that’s fine, I must not be explaining myself properly :sweat_smile:

Redemptions are a good feature.

So now you want scam us for some more. Go drain something else dry not our treasury.

With the RQ you realized your losses, so it’s not your money anymore. You can gtfo.

@TheSkyHopper @SourCorn This is why we don’t need redemption now.

LOL?? what are you trying to tattle on me? WMEMO was $12K when “Rage Quit” was announced. Down from $130K on Jan 1. Rage quite charged you a 10% fee to leave at backing, but offering the rage quit brought the price back to $30K. So your Choice was sell at 12K, RQ at 34K or sell at market for 30K. You are confusing trader with traitor.

Trader? Ok, go to sushi, sell, that’s your exit. Bye!

It’s jut unbelievably ridiculous we talk about this. It’s like you invest in a startup and a month later ask the founders when you get the dividends? Dude, the company didn’t start making money yet!!!

Let @TheSkyHopper start working, getting results, then work a little more, and when Wonderland gets a steady income stream for a continuous 6 months, then we can talk about any dividends or redemption.

This topic is just delusional and ridiculous.

Can we move this to RFC yet? Clearly majority support

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An RFC needs to be submitted first.

It is currently being drafted by OP, once ready to be posted, it will be :slight_smile: