[DAO Discussion] Risk Officer - xxxMETALxxx

Hello, All.

I am currently working in the finance department for nine figure company. Part of my job is financial risk mitigation. I have a BA in Accounting and an MBA. I have over 15 years experience in accounting with 7 years in upper management.

There are several risks for Wonderland, I personally just experienced a person on the forum posing as wonderland admin and telling me that they can help with getting my wmemo coins.

Why should you vote for me? I have the experience to be a risk officer from having similar duties. But the main reason is that I am actually Certified Management Accountant (CMA), this does require me to take an ethics oath and my certification depends on being ethical.

xxxMETALxxx, CMA

Thanks for the application. However, I’d have to say its a bit short.

Can you expand on your investment in Wonderland as well as your knowledge of DeFi ?

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Would like to see some specific examples of current treasury allocations and associated risks that perhaps demonstrate your ability to fulfill the role. For starters, perhaps choose a couple allocations and provide example risks, concerns, and possible mitigation factors. Also, I’m curious what your background is in regards to defi–years of experience and how much time you’ve spent trading/investing in crypto.