[DAO Discussion] - ve(3,3) Locked Staking + Revenue Share (Alternative to ABRACADABRA Merger)

Agreed. I would like to see the spending of our capital in the following, especially now that the market is down : Bitcoin 30% and stake, Eth 20% Stake, 30% Stablecoins and stake, 20% promising start ups. No more backing of the price, the longer you hold the more you get from the proceeds. 10% of the profits are to be divided every half year, like a dividend, the rest put back in.


This has not changed with recent news. If anything, I believe it is more important than ever.

Reward loyalty, adopt ve(3,3)

If we sell at treasury backing, that does not reward holders who believed in Daniele. Just short term whales who bought below backing.

It’s all on chain. If someone has held for months, that loyalty should be factored into their returns.


Yup, we are seeing a lot copy pasted messages on twitter, discord and this forum about “giving the treasury back to the investors and shutting down wonderland”… I find very curious that the ones that will benefit the most from that, are the whales that bought under backing, long time investors and small frogs will be fucked, pumping and dumping wasnt enough for them, they want an easy 2x-3x from here.
I say fuck them, besides the sifu news, the only “disaster” have been the cascading liquidations, and if you were collateralizing your wMEMO… you cant be seriously blaming the team for that. “but sifu said theyll buy back at backing price!” even if they did, a lot of people would have been liquidated, saturated network an whale action would have rektd them either way, buybacks arent a magic “freeze price” button.
We need to get Wonderland back on track, the treasury is there.

RFC now up


This should have been made from the beginning
You get the full Apy and rebase after 12months contract as you engage to keep those assets in return for the rebate and compund interest.
Burning mechanism for the coins unstake it earlier.
No major changes are needed just fine tunes


I drafted a APY reduction plan, incentive based APY reduction. take a look and please vote!

Great idea, to be added to The Total Game Changer. Great outline for longevity…worth the read

This is the way to go. There is a halfway point between 80.000% and 0% APY.

I’m with you on this one. No lockup.
Something like you’ll earn your apy% over time, but you can leave whenever you want.

  • like first week you don’t get anything.

  • week 2 - you will get 10% of your weekly rewards.

  • week 3 - 20% and so on.

  • week 10 you are at 100%.

If you leave you will loose your tier.

That’s my thoughts. Can be modified.

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