Dissolve the project, return the treasury money to the frogs

Already sold but you’re happy with being a sucker then thats fine. You can continue staying in the sinking ship and we’ll be happy to exclude you from any compensation

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im in 6700 total and now its worth 1900, i would love my money back


We the community are entitled to the treasury and I believe this is best choice for us


I agree. And when we invested, we deserve to know if there were any malicious actors in the team


neither of those options


Agree with every point.

Give back to holders their treasury part:
After taking a step back, I tell myself that this solution is the healthiest for the future of the Frogs.
This decision would show the DeFi world that the Frog Nation can recognize its mistakes (everyone does, except those who create nothing of course!) and rise from the ashes on solid and healthy foundations, either by creating a new project, or by focusing on existing projects like SPELL, ICE and possibly SUSHI.

Refund the liquidated people:
Dani of course does what he wants with his personal funds, but I think that’s a huge bullshit. It is not by covering up reckless overleveraging people that we help them learn from their mistakes and progress.

Wonderland-Abracadabra Merger:
Imho, it’s putting a sparadra on a gunshot wound. Anyway, the majority of SPELL holders are against this merger, because they don’t want kids complaining that they were liquidated because they were too greedy. Let’s make a clean sweep and start on a healthy foundation for everyone!

Have all a nice day, my :frog: Frens


Dissolving the treasury is not smart. Those who sold - sold, the rest who stayed but want to leave should be able to rage quit for a backing price


Abracadabra is not going to agree to merge with us after this lol. They get a vote too and they are not going to touch us with a 90 foot pole.


BSGG Snapshot of January 10th and WMEMO price of that time should be used as a compensation refund to all the snapshotted wallets through the treasury. Then you close wonderland and start something new and let those who want to go back decide. Who can make a proposal like that? are we a DAO or not?


Fucking plebs wonderland is dissolved. The price is 2x what it is now. This is a non issue. Fire Sifu and move on. Fuck is wrong wit people. We make 300 million a fucking year relax. Dont fuck this up. Grayscale is buying spell this year. Spell will go to .10 sit the fuck back and chill. It will be ok. If you dont want to continue then rage quit for mim and let the rest of us continue. Stop the fud


Dani is selling Wonderland to Abracadabra for 40k a wmemo in spell. You can rage quit for mim if you dont want spell. STop the fud

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HOld shut the fuck and get out for 2x the price now and move on with your life stop the fud. And buy some now so you get arbitrage profit. I recommend ot memo form pendle. Dyor nfa

100% YES - split the treasury to longterm holders, thats the only fair thing to do.

Do I believe Wonderland can still shine? YES :100:

But in order to get things back to work, all investors need to be bought out and at a reasonable wMEMO price, not 40k crumbles.

And when this is done, trust is gained and we can move on with revenue share. Im pretty sure the community will stay when they see this happen.


Oh what a great deal, 40k wMEMO.

Are you joking? Dani is responsible for this crash, he held back the information about sifu while he and Sifu cashed out. Now that Sifu is doxxed, we all pay the price. This is not how it works.

Everyone should be compensated based on the longer they hold the more they got. I dont care about 40k wMEMO, this price is a joke.


I honestly don’t know what the right thing to do is. However, the only reason I invested in this project in the first place back in November was to get long-term compounding as the website promised. Wonderland didn’t deliver on the promise. So I’m not getting the benefits that I bought into. For this reason, I feel like I was bait and switched, purposefully or not. This is why I believe that I should be made whole.


I for one disagree with shutting down the project.

Sifu need to step down or be fired that much is clear, but the treasury still can work for us. Daniele while clearly naive still has some reputation to uphold. Him not informing the community for a month is sketchy for sure, but its possible he was trying to prevent exactly what is happening now: a major price run down. If Sifu really wants to prove hes turned over a new leaf and appreciate the “second chance” Dani has offered him he can make a large investment into TIME to put his money where his mouth is.

Whether it will ever return to the previous highs remains to be seen but the first step towards anything close to that is getting Sifu out and replacing him with someone we can trust and has a verifiable track record.

I am not knowledgeable enough to comment on the merger but I am not necessarily opposed to it.

Compensating the long term holders to recoup their losses also is not a thing I wholly oppose, as long as it isn’t at the cost of the project failing.

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Lol, SPELL will got to 10cent this year? This means it will gain over 1000%?

Please show us your crystal ball.

I dont want spell. I never invested in spell, i invested in TIME/wMEMO and this project. Dani is not going to merge anything after what he pulled off. The treasury belongs to all investors and everybody needs to be compensated, after this we can move on. Trust can only be brought back if this happens. If not, there is no future. No matter how much you oppose is, its a fact and when you loose money because of a fraudulent act, you want it back, simple as that.

Dani knew all this for 1 month and screwed us over, but you guys still dont get this and act like he is the nice guy here.

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Refund on an old date so people who already sold get more than diamond hands?

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Those who took minimal leverage yet still got liquidated and were in an endless game of buying more and more WMEMO to collateralize their position do not deserve to be excluded. If you got liquidated at 20k you deserve to be compensated.

People panic selling MIM? lol