Leaving Treasury Strategy to Daniele and his team

i wouldnt blame the services but the people being irresponsible with their decisions, misusing or the mismanagement of a tool its most of the time fault of the people that uses it, allowing this service wasnt bad per se, and it isnt a bad service, but people being stupid about it was bad.


I agree with leaving the treasury strategy up to Daniele and his team. I do not have the time to sit, study and watch the crypto market. So far this team is doing very well and have my trust and support.


Aren’t they paid to do just that? Let them continue for as long as they’re doing a good job. Even in a family we don’t have a vote every time mama wanna go to the grocery store! Or papa gotta buy a new family car.

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both sides of the debate are reasonable. daniele & co are doing their job real fine vs. eventually a human makes mistakes. but i think i’m leaning towards daniele. he has proved his expertise. i’m not sure the dao would be able to make the decision to sell AVAX at the top like that, we would’ve just hodl’ed, or taken up too much time and didn’t get to sell at the top.

for example, the mirror protocol on terra. they recently became much more decentralized, and boom, all kinds of scam proposals, trying to con protocol’s treasury into their own wallets, and god-knows-what proposols are being put up all over the place. it’s messy. given how large wonderland’s user base is, we could be heading in that direction. and i’d rather not be in that kind of environment, for now.

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Totally Agreed 100% Daniele and his team are doing a great job with the treasury :ok_hand:

Agreed. Need to be quick with decisions and cant get mangled in the inefficiencies. A vanguard with a purpose is efficient.

Daniele is not God and might also have its weak moments.