Option for Higher APY for locking TIME

I think the overall sentiment is to reward long term holders - which is the majority of holders. However i’m not sure locking is the right way as you will have a small number of people who are not locked being able to manipulate the market and everyone else watching from the sidelines.

I think instead it should be an additional reward if you remain locked for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and not removed any liquidity - adding is of course fine.

The additional reward can easily be calculated and airdropped without worrying about implementation of how to calculate locking and last minute finance increases before the time period is up.

it depends… if we also lower the apy for the ones that unstake or new to the stake and gradually increase it as the duration of your staking increases, we could provide higher APY than now, while guaranteeing the same total production of tokens as now

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I agree this is a good idea

Wonderful idea. All for the stability of wonderland and rewarding long term holders.

This sounds good to me. It falls in line with the original idea behind wonderland, to reward the strongest hands. Dumping when market is dumping will reduce value for the whole community. If there is a lock mechanism (in addition to regular no lock availability), it will provide a higher stable treasury for the DAO to pursue other investments safely. Rather than keeping a larger chunk available to provide liquidity for sell offs.

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That’s already how it works. You only get the full APY if you stake for a year and the big push comes later in that year.

The treasury is not backed by TIME. Locking TIME/MEMO would not stabilize the assets inside the treasury. It actually makes more money from not being locked since it get fees on the trades.

RomeDAO idea sounds interesting. Rewards those in for the long term without forcing people to have their assets tied up for months on end, something I’m never comfortable with myself even if there are greater rewards on offer.

Dum dums don’t understand when you talk about locking it liturgy means that when traders sell you will be rewarded more. Locking do not have to be mandatory if you are not comfortable so be it but know that people who do will have higher rewards. It is that simple.

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Love the idea of different APYs for locked period of time!! What about if it would be multi option: you can have the ability to lock some MEMO and have MEMO not lock or locked to different periods of time. Another thing is : the APY needs to be dynamic, i.e., it needs to be a multiplier of the APY of the MEMO that is not locked rather than a fixed APY.


Please make this a RFC, this idea with a good implement, can be very good.

I agree with this idea. If you are willing to stake longer it would be nice to have a higher APY. Bonus for keeping your funds involved.

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