Rage Quit Option - Preproposal discussion

This proposal is NECESSARY AND MANDATORY to give Wonderland a second life.

Let the people who don’t want to be here leave and the frogs will continue walking together one more time.

I am STRONGLY AGAINST this proposal… You can demand this RAGEQUIT before all this shitstorm… But now… I dont think so… When TIME was 5k or higher, NO ONE comes here with this option… Why now everybody demands it? For me its just stealing… For me it sounds like: “Give me now Xtimes better price than everybody have, and then do whatever you want, i dont care anymore” (+ scenario I RAGEQUIT, buy wMEMO and I am back)… You are talking about win/win for everybody but I can see only “Win for yourself, or RAGEQUITers”, you demand other Crypto in exchange for your wMEMO, in the next few days in TOTAL BEAR market, so “do it fast” before market goes up so you can profit on that either…


1.) "This accounts for frogs who may have panic sold at all time lows "

  • This is not argument for me… When you buy or sell is your personal choice… If you cant stand a presure dont invest… If you cant make good decisions under presure, no one will stay behind you and repay for your mistakes. (Also dont invest LIFE SAVINGS and other stuff ppl are crying about). Also its nice sell wMEMO few days ago, buy it today and wait for RAGEQUIT… Thats smells like shamefull strategy full of greed cloth in “Help for everybody”

  • If you want quit so badly, just do it, now or later… You can sell your tokens in Sushiswap… If you really full of RAGE, you wont be hesitate any minute…

  • You talking about rewarding most loyal Frogs in proposal of RAGEQUIT … Real frogs and real HODLers will be rewarded after sometime… But after you distributed RageQuit wMEMO to HODLers after RAGEQUIT, all this memo will be imidiately sold, so price will go down… This is fact… Because they will still waiting for higher price, maybe still under your RQ price… Its doesnt seems fair at all for Frogs…

  • And for those who feels like TRAPPED in the PROJECT: This project meant to be LONGTHERM - So you “willingly” trapped yourself here. But still nobody hold you here against your will, YOU CAN LEAVE ANY SECOND! Read that 2x please. If you miss your chance to take profit, its only your fault, the same for those who cry they buy at the TOP… Please if you dont know that is not good idea buy on top, now you pay for very very valuable experience. Never buy on TOP.

For me all this kind of Proposals, all that HATE and FUD in Discord or Twitter… I dont get it, i BUY other crypto, have -% on all of them, but I dont go ring the doorbell on every dev and demand RAGEQUIT from buying their CRYPTO… Wake up…

Of course this is MY OPINION on your PROPOSAL I see here and now… I am open minded person, so I want add that I dont DECIDE my VOTE YET…But i see it like this… You can change my mind. And please this reaction is not meant to be ATTACK or HATE.

PS: I can see what WL achieve, its this COMMUNITY, now I dont care about money, what I care about is power of PEOPLE, power of good people, power to change the world. For everybody. Maybe you dont realize whats happening, and whats decentralized system can change, this is the beggining of new WORLD. And you FROGS create it! I am very proud of everyone of you! You are making history here!

With love and respect, me frog:)

PS2: Now I saw this proposal ACTIVE on voting SNAPSHOT, not even goes trough FORUM, so somebody want it there really fast. Not good sign for me. I will VOTE NO.


All this text you wrote is equal with ZERO.

You really don’t understand how things work.

This needs to happen to establish some kind of confidence and regain of trust. Otherwise NOBODY will invest in Wonderland 2.0, 3.0 or ANYTHING for that matter. Everything related to daniele and his team will automatically fail.

The sooner everyone understand this, the sooner WL 2.0 has any chance. Otherwise it’s a confirmed scam.

PS: enjoy the ride to 0, price speaks for itself and for the scammers reputation. Hope you all burn in hell.

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Stop waiting and sell at market price. I along with many frogs here invested and remain here for the long term. Allowing whales to make arbitrage profits is not good for the frogs here for the long term. Wonderland if for the Frogs not the whales!


So where are your calculations for the 20 times less than 1% decrease? A 48% reduction in treasury if everyone that voted for dissolution exits is not good for those here for the long term. In the traditional world SPAC’s and VC firms trade under book value often, we can’t fight the market by paying out book value or it destroys the future value for those that stay. When it occurs in the traditional world you keep making smart investments and pay your shareholder returns till the market corrects and your value increases. This should be the path forward for frogs.

I am a long-term frog and we shouldn’t be disadvantaged by those that only came for short-term profits.


it is not at your expense at all

I think the proposal you put up (although not valid) was good. One point adjust answers from yes ,no , maybe , to “Yes, I would like a rage quit option”, “No I wouldnt like a rage quit option”, “Maybe we should have a rage quit option”. Just for complete clarity

That’s not the fact.
Actually it’s like 10% of person who want to wind out treasury and like 45% votepower.
And the maby 5% peops who bought in after the unwind news should not be able to leave at backing.the are though able to leave anytime they want at market terms.

i too was against this… but after doing the numbers out our share in the treasury profits would increase and the wmemo that is gained by treasury should be burnt for good. at this point we all can grab some more below backing… fair opportunity for anyone long term holders and short term to grab more. a big reason why this would be good for long term holders is cause the treasury has made enough profit to pay out 95% of the TVL at backing price . the remaining 5% would then have a ginormous share of the treasury. for when revenue share comes along. there would be at least 200 million left in treasury. we only need 5-10 million to do vc deals. the price would easily pump with less supply and we would all be happy again

(i highly doubt that many people will leave)

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Can you please share the calculations? I am very well able to be swayed on this but haven’t seen these calculations myself. Thanks Frog, sounds interesting for sure but I want to verify.


I feel similar and came to this conclusion

Rage Quit Supporters: We need more clear documentation or maybe a video explanation helping to ease the concerns of frogs. It is naturally counter intuitive to believe the WL and treasury will take an insignificant hit even if it is true. If it really is an exciting advantageous opportunity for all please keep working to convince us doubters who are willing to listen.

No, they won’t have any impact at all on your share of the treasury.

Think about it, if you own a certain percentage of the treasury you own it no matter what the market price is and no matter what at what price other investors buy and sell their shares. You still own the same share.

A rage quit option would shrink the treasury, but it would also shrink the number of owners of the treasury. At the end of the day your share will be backed by the same amount of treasury value.

Screenshot 2022-02-03 121455
I’m still listening and I’m also hearing stuff like this.

No way, this is absurd, you don’t invest in a company have it tank and then recompensed by the company… you hold and wait for the price to recover

Or you exit, take your L and reap those sweet tax losses…

Allowing people to exit at backing price is simply another way that whales will create arbitrage profits. Yes they will take a snapshot but most of those whales have bought in between 18k and 22k already so they’re already poised to make a killing.

This is just the same thing as “Let’s liquidate the treasury to pay people at the backing price”. It’s a bad idea, nobody gets a “rage quit” option, if you really feel so strongly then go start a class action lawsuit against Wonderland. If you truly feel you were taken advantage of…

The calculations are in the Medium article here:

This one for me seems very poorly thought out, back of a fag packet style.

The ultimate problem is this is still paying out from Wonderlands biggest remaining asset, the size of the treasury. This buying power that is has for investment will still be reduced.

When you take the moeny out of the LP, you stop trading for the duration of the weekend. So if I take this option to sell 2/3x above the price at that time, whatever the current market price is vs the backing price, I would do well to take that offer and buy back in after the LP is put back in. Because you’re paying above what the market price is for the wmemo, the wmemo you will distribute back to the holders will be less than what was paid.

Redistribution of funds from one wallet to another does not increase the token price, so after the weekend the price will still be what it was before the weekend… This gives a lot of opportunity for unscrupulous people to sell high, buy back in low…it almost incentives people to sell at the weekend and buy back in after - the reward would be greater than the “redistributed” funds because those would be less than the treasury paid for them.

The price would have to recover after the weekend 2/3x to reach the backing price just to cut this loophole off - do you think that’s plausible, and why?

There seems to be an obsession around the % ownership of the treasury. We should try to work out what the treasury is, and what is it’s role in Wonderland.

I see the treasury as the core asset of Wonderland, for sustainable prosperity the stronger this is the better as it is used primarily for financial investments. The value of the treasury should be red-taped, it is there for the benefit of all so that it can be used to make profitable investments - profits that can then be re-invested back to the people. I don’t see me owning any of the treasury, but I see myself as having an entitlement to the profits it brings - just like a normal share holder receiving dividends in any typical stock.

The smaller this budget is, the smaller the investments that can be made - to pad that out, it might also increase the risk/reward ratio of investments made - potentially putting the whole thing at risk. A stronger treasury can make balanced, and lower risk investments that gain steady income flows. This creates a long term and sustainable approach to adding value to the Wonderland project, which in turn will impact exponential growth of investors who want a part of that.

For me it’s exactly about the treasury, and a promise to real investors about a backing price Wich was why, some of the Frogs stayed.
And therefore newcomers who bought under backing should not even expect to be considered to be aloowed to leave at backing.

  • So no matter if it’s 20k$ or 100mm$ we have to respect those who want to leave at backing and bought over with the promise.

  • their wmemo should be sold against stables from treasury and those wmemo put into a pool Wich is later distributed to those who stays.

  • But it requires that those who bought under backing, only to take advantage of the backing, shouldn’t be able to use that offer. It’s a matter of principals and standard business behavior.

  • and therefor we should use an early snapshot, to determine who is elligeble and who isn’t.

  • So later on, the pool with the wmemo, could be shared among all frogs/holders.

  • and those who are elligeble token holders, would be the ones who are back, using the same snapshot again.

Noone is left out. (but the ones who tried to take advantage of the actual situation in wonderland) and everyone should be happy.

I think this is the most fair solution.

Yes ! Although you need to allow more then 2 days , some people don’t live online they have busy lives and keep keep up with what’s going on . They might not see this until after the date for rage quit goes by .