Raging in Wonderland - By the Professor

Please review my discussion as an option to increase the potential of a safe “Rage-Quit”


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I understand your idea but the logic is flawed. There are simply not enough funds to redeem everybody with their “initial investment” amount. The backing price has fallen significantly too. The whole market structure shifted by 50% in the last month.

Your message is a plea for justice but you don’t propose any real solution. Btw how do you count “early investors”? Those who bought time at $8k are early? or those who bought it for $3k in September? or those who bought time for $3k in December? who is early?

No, I strongly deny any ideas to segregate “early” from “late” investors. This is a free market.


By guessing, how many people want to exit?

If we look at the Save Wonderland against Wind down votes: by percentage, there are about 45% yes to wind down. But 12 whales got 1/3 of those 45% votes.
So, there are not as many frogs as you thought would be.

Now, if you allow the whales to cash out by backing price, they would be thrilled. That was their intention flooding in while the liquidation Cascade happened, waiting for the chance to suck our treasury with backing price.

So, in order to prevent those whales eat up our treasury, they should exit with their purchased price only. No more no less.


Not segregating, simply suggest exit by purchased dated price no matter when they bought it.

There are 710mm in our treasury. There’s another rage quit proposal suggested to take out 35% treasury to settle. If there’s leftover, return to treasury, if not enough, every holder’s allocation will be reduced proportionately.

In order to push Wonderland move forward, the rage quit is first priority which had been discussed by many proposals. This is just a thought by reading many.

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I think people should read this post as well before voting.

I do believe that if revenue share is implemented that will make the price go up. So any whales or anyone that wants out can leave when the price reaches the backing price and make their profits or stay longer and make even higher profits.

But the impact in treasury if the rage quit option is implemented will be greater than you think, because it won’t just be the people that will buy now to sell as arbitrage, there will be longer holders that will quit as well and even some people that might trust that the project will keep going might still quit now to get in later since the advantages for holders aren’t really that enticing…

I saw some people posting the idea of redistributing the wMEMO from rage quitters to the holders that remain. Maybe that could be an option to make this proposal better.

Naturally. That has been proposed many times before. If we can accept that logic, then we can move on.

100% agree and I believe that there most likely is enough in the treasury. Otherwise, didn’t Dani say he has a deep pocket?

But it’s not! The rules have been constantly changing. Currently acc. Dani in his Q+A a few days back, the buybacks have officially been discontinued at the moment. We need to know on what date that was discontinued, so that those who bought before can claim, if they wish to leave the ship.

Whales jumping in now to benefit from the low price can certainly gain by selling at market price as it rises. To give them a buyback privilege now - NEVER!

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Those who have sold below the backing price have fallen for FUD and panic. They have dumped valuable assets and should blame only themselves.

This is a free market.

I have bought a lot of time below the backing myself. TIME price below the backing is the optimal market condition when you want to accumulate more wMEMO. You can take advantage of this by yourself right now.

I believe we should consider means that I have explained in this post:


All Rage-quiters should penalized. If we don’t penalize rage-quiters this will incentive an opportunistic cash-grab event. Rage-quit should be considered as an extreme option that is used occasionally.

Burn RAGE-QUITTERS stake of wMEMO after the exit


In my opinion: All decisions about the treasury should be made by the new CFO (fund manager) after the public discussion.

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There are 2 opposite sides in the RAGE-QUIT discussion:

  1. Those who see that Arbitrage opportunities can be used by every one

  1. And those who want to punish whales and establish a social justice:


Every position has its benefits. But in my opinion: penalizing rage-quiters is the most simple and fair solution to the problem AKA “Occam’s razor”.

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Don’t agree with rage quit as it will most likely benefit the whales. However agree with the second part to keep a single token and monthly payments in MIM.

If this impact on the treasury is going to be too great, why not place a pre-determined cap on what percentage of the treasury can be made available for the process.

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NOT in favor of rage quit or buybacks at all. It only helps the whales to profit from arbitrage or those who bought at the dip. They are not long term holders and are only looking to profit from the buybacks. If we move to a revenue share model with more rewards for longterm stakers, this will incentivise people to stake longer and this will reduce selling pressure. This will automatically push the price up. At that stage people who want to quit can quit at a higher price.


No time to read? Here’s a full reading of the Professor’s rage quit article as audio/video - let me know if you find this helpful, trying to provide easy access to info on Wonderland: Wonderland Rage Quit Proposal [RFC] Full-Length Reading - Vote On Future Of Crypto Defi Project - YouTube
Thanks for this article and discussion!
@kbanna - if you find this helpful, please link it at the top - thanks!

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