Re-open Manual Migrations

As the current situation stands, no more migrations will be done until a proposal passes to reopen it in some way.

I am on the same boat as many, it looks to me that on this discussion there are mostly ā€œvictimsā€ of not paying attention, being sick, having daughters with surgery, etc.
how could we vote for a proposal if we have no VOLTA since we lost the boat?

look at what others are doing, larger migration window, seems fair to me to mimic what others are doing:

$BSGG token will be insulated from the issues that happened on the Multichain bridge, and ensure the $BSGG token will remain as the centerpiece of our ecosystem. Our tokenomics will remain the same. Each $BSGG you transfer will be returned to you at a 1:1 ratio.

Migration Begins: The migration process will begin on January 15th 2024, 8:00 am GMT.

Migration Ends: Migration will remain open until April 15th 2024, 8:00 am GMT.

BSGG Migration
Jan 15 to April 15
91 days

VOLTA Migration
Aug 28 to Dec 31
125 days

We indeed have a longer migration period than the example youā€™ve given.

All right, I guess it goes down to current token holders to make it right for us who missed the migration window.

You are correct. Current (Volta) token holders are the only ones that can do anything that changes the situation for those that missed migration.
However they have been convinced that it is not in their interests to do so as it would reduce the value of their holding.
Interesting how this project works in complete contrast to the rest of crypto (actually any investment vehicle). Typically, when more people want something the value it commands goes higher.

Youā€™re assuming people want VOLTA, when what they actually want is for their wMEMO to not become worthless.

We (the ones who missed the migration window) are already holding a bunch of worthless wMEMO.

Among our many faults our certain fault was that life happened to us in that particular moment in time (the migration window) and we could not pay enough attention to what was going on with the protocol and relative governance.

We are hubling asking, or begging if you prefer, for some fair current protocol stakeholders take pity of us and give us another chance so that we could all have an overall happy community of past, present and future participants.


I think you misunderstand. Or I do. It is not a matter of current protocol stakeholders taking pity ā€¦ from what I understand the decision is made by the DAO so the stakeholders just have to go by that decision.
Pretty sure thatā€™s how it goes ā€¦

I might be wrong: tought DAO = stakeholders. I could rephraseā€¦ wondering if DAO wants a disgrunted community or notā€¦

Perhaps it was a longer migration period ā€¦ but was it a KNOWN migration? People can only act on something they actually know about. The BSGG migration has a banner on Coingecko: (BSGG) has migrated from their older contracts to new ones on [ETH], [Avalanche] & [Fantom]. For more information, please refer to this announcement on Medium.

Similarly, on CMC: old contract address has been migrated to a new one. Find more details here.

Seems this is common practice when such an action is taken by a crypto protocol. I am aware of several other projects that changed in some way (migration/contract address/wallet upgrade) that had ā€œbannersā€ on the two MAJOR resources used by people to track/research crypto.

What is the main reason there was NO BANNER for the wMEMO migration to Volta? Perhaps you may need to get some input from the communications department.

I gave $100 worth of Memo as a gift to my Brother in law and was been sick/in hospital as well over the migration period and couldnā€™t get to his laptop. He lives 2000km away and I couldnā€™t help him out either. No one he knows is computer/crypto savy and I donā€™t trust anyone else. That $100 could be worth a lot more in during the bull run and help him out. Please re open the migration.

There were banners on both CMC and Coingecko.

Are you saying there were banners but within weeks following the close of manual migrations (or even before) these banners were removed? That seems inconsistent with common practice. Why would the banner be removed? Iā€™m sure you have a screenshot of Coingecko and/or CMC with the banner on the page for wMEMO that you could share.

Currently the following projects still have a banner:

  • Nano changed to XNO back in November, 2021. The banner advising of this on Coingecko is still there now.

  • Polygon (MATIC) is being ā€œupgradedā€ to POL. The banner advising of this upgrade is still on Coingecko and the process began in mid-September, 2023.

Yes, there were banners. No, I donā€™t have screenshots.
I donā€™t see how any of these helps in this discussion.

Please, the whole purpose of time and MEMO was WAGMI, Is there anyone who can put forth another vote to reopen migration. This is meant to be a communal win and there are a lot of us that life happened too at the wrong time for this migration. Can we the new Volta and old MEmo community please come together to reopen migrations.


I didnā€™t know about the migration to Volta. Please find a solution, even with a fee attached.

Banners on those two (Coingecko & CoinMarketCap) MUCH RELIED ON resources DO NOT get removed.
It helps in the discussion because people that have found out about their PAINFUL losses since Jan. 1, 2024 deserve to know the truth!

** What a relief huh? Managed to go SEVEN days w/out comment so we can close that discussion. Phew!

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