Repay all liquidations under backing price!

So, you think they should be payed back? But with penalty? Why the penalty? How does that help?

I was. Had it in my wallet. Or I could have deleveraged. No problem.

Were you told to leverage your wMEMO?

Leveraging your wMEMO was your very own decision. You decided to take the risk of getting liquidated, now deal with it.

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First off, no one needs to. This argument isn’t about leverage. You missed the point. The argument is about the promise of the use of treasury (which I helped fund) , was not used for that reason. It was a blatant lie.


It’s not an argument about leverage or personal responsibility. Its about a lie from the treasury. The treasury in which I was invested.

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And what do we learn from this? Dont take a loan on not stable assets.


My argument is perfectly logical (Attempt,success!)

No. I don’t prefer any of that. Never mentioned it. That’s not the argument at all.

Although you may have been told otherwise, (who knows why?)
Anger is a perfectly good position in which to fight from.

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I’m all ears. But I’m not trying to start a conspiracy. I’m just trying to argue that the treasury use, was not as “advertised” Let’s say.


Next time increase gas fees instead of your slippage.

Tough decision…this would penalize frogs who didnt leverage at all or did it carefully. For that reason I vote against.
That been said, it was indeed mentioned many many times that a strong process was in place to prevent such scenario. But what can you do when whales collide to fuck a protocol and take advantage of it.
Was a painful day…


Understand completely.

But That’s not what was sold however quite the contrary.

My argument is that I was sold something, that was not the case, specific, direct lies from the treasury…, and there is plenty of money in that treasury, to right this wrong.


Do you think i was willing to give up my position over gas and slippage? I did both, thanks.

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dude just stop
its the only utility of time
they are even build protocol around borrowing, problem was not leverage
problem was not letting people to repay their loans or actually buying at backing price

Yes. And specifically told that we wouldn’t have to worry about it, “because treasury”

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This would not penalize frogs that didn’t leverage. That is not the case. You’re currently penalizing frogs who built the treasury when specifically stated otherwise.

If Sifu didn’t say, “dont worry, your investment is safe, don’t deleverage, we will take care of price action with the treasury money” (paraphrasing, obviously). Then we would have been business as usual, and/or sold our tokens (or at least deleveraged properly) instead of getting Liquidated completely based on his claims. …Causing crazy cascades.

That’s the argument. He said specifically, that the treasury would protect against exactly what happened.


it will not hurt frogs
actually it will benefit
because trust is more valuable then couple mils especially when our money still in ecosystem, where do u think it went?
now wonderland its just slow rug until big holders regain trust


There is no “we” speak for yourself

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This is very very true. Great point. You lose the trust of so many, over a lie that could have been repaired pretty quickly, and for little money in the grand scheme of things


I am against to repay any liquidations as it would encourage people to use nasty leveraging which damaged value of the wMemo = damaged hodlers (3,3). Do not forget that hodlers make the price of the token go up but definitely not leveraged paper hands.

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