Repay all liquidations under backing price!

If this proposal goes through, I also want those who did not leverage to get paid some percentage for the mental trauma that I had to go through because of this crash :rofl:

On a serious note:
I believe the project was supposed to provide people with all the possible risks that could occur during a market crash like this. Eg: whale selling, manual buybacks under backing price, Avalance network congestion etc.

Sifu didnā€™t cause a cascade? What are you talking about?

It is your risk to take, you should be all performing 3,3 and stop being greedy.

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yes indeed. Or one can find a platform that is willing to lend/margin against the backing price. But then they would complain about the lower loan ratio if they are margined against backing price instead of spot. just my $0.02

Uno-reverse about you getting liquidated ?

No and no and noā€¦
Just whyā€¦
No one pointed a gun to your head and told you ā€œBORROW THESE MIMS NOW OR I PULL THE TRIGGERā€ā€¦
If youā€™ve been dumb enough to overleverage, dont expect the people to pay for your mistakesā€¦ Youā€™ve done this yourself and no one elseā€¦

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You invested at your own risk. Nobody forced you to over leverage. If you had made money, you would not have given money back to the treasury. Wonderland should not pay for your greed!
Nowhere in the docs says people had to go get leveraged out, in order to grow the treasury!
Sifu said multiple times that it was manual. In every leveraged investment you run the risk of crashes, and nobody is going to come in and safe you because you wanted to be greedy.
Learn from your mistakes, and DO NOT use leverage.

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looks to me treasury was deployed, they said it was manual, they said it was going to go below until they could respond


so you borrowed at ATH and never thought about adding more collateral or paying back to ease preassure of your debt?

The voting shows who were the people using leverage and who were the people being smart and not touching they staked assetā€™s in times\market conditions like this. You donā€™t get to have your founds back just because you are greedy and over-leveraged. Do you think Binance would ever found you back because you are a bad trader?? Are you people crazy??


No itā€™s not. That could happen anywhere, thatā€™s stop hunting

They said it multiple times.

Wonderland and the people that were not greedy, should not pay for greedy people.
Itā€™s your choice to leverage.

People got liquidated because the took risks. Nobody told them to get leveraged out.

Totally against the proposal: Why?

  • Leverage players took the risk that they could get liquidated but now that they got liquidated and want their treasury to repay their mistakes? Sorry - thatā€™s not how accountability for your own actions work.

  • People talk about losing trust. It would lose the trust of current holders who did the right thing by not risking their own position and therefore contributing to the price decline. It was ultimately leveraged players who got liquidated which forced the liquidation bots to sell out to pay back their loans back. This is what caused the price to crash. Leveraged clowns at FAULT.

  • Some people say that it was a huge selling point to join Wonderland and can combat liquidation cascade? Please look in the mirror and ask yourself is that really the reason? Or is it that you want to make heaps of $$ and got greedy by leveraging.

  • Some people blame Sifu for not buying back quickly but sorry, thatā€™s blame game and you know it. The reason there is a multi-sig wallet is to protect everyone, which requires multisignature to approve use of treasury. Again - look in the mirror for poor risk management! Everyone knows Crypto has High Volatility. If you canā€™t take the heat, get out of the game!

  • Sifu has said that they would buy back to support price. Given the treasury has now been used to do some buy backs to support price stability. The consequence is now that the balance is below $1B !! More has been spent on this buy back than on investing in Betswap. Tell meā€¦ which one generates better returns? Repay all liquidations for leverage clowns or making investments?? I want the treasury to invest!!

  • AT NO TIME DID SIFU SAID THAT THEY WOULD GIVE LIQUIDATED PLAYERS A REFUND. Sifu only said to support buy backs, and he did!


Entirely against this is any shape or form unless we go back and make right all people who got liquidated in history, which will never happen. HARD NO FROM ME.

If ever this proposal is passed; Iā€™m going to create a proposal - WEN LAMBO?

The backing price is simply the assets divided by number of tokens! No one ever said that the price COULD NOT GO below the backing price.

Sifu has always said that it could go below and would manually support the price through buy backs. What kind of advertising was there to show that the backing price was a guarantee it wouldnā€™t be breached? Please look in the mirror - itā€™s just you telling yourself that.

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BS cause iā€™ve been totally liquidated without lvg, frog nation dead if you all keep faith in this moves you are blind, today are we, tomorrow will be you.


ohh man i feel bad for you, truly. tbh we all know how volatile the crypto market is. it was a really stupid decision from your end to go all in.

learn from your mistakes bro, i hope you recover all your losses in the future

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No I get the point. People getting greedy, getting liquidated, causing the price to crash for everyone. No body promises anything. All of this is financial theory. This the same shit that happened at 10k and is going to keep happening if people keep doing the same thing. Itā€™s also not helping out the frog nation in the short term. No one should be reimbursed for being greedy. 80,000 APY should be enough for anyone but noooooo too many people gotta be greedyā€¦ 3,3 Good for all, 9,9 Good for Just U and horrible for everyone when you get REKT.

Doesnā€™t it say in this screenshot.

Will you buy below backing price? Suggesting it could go below backing?