Repay all liquidations under backing price!

Yeah, let’s go play at the casino then.
Or sports bets,

I’m supporting the opinion of waboss (saves me a lot of typing) and going to add on this my personal perspective. First of all: your wishes may/and will not be fulfilled. And I’m even going to step it up a notch and tell that it’s a ego-centric and almost narcissistic way of thinking. Despite the fact I feel for your loss, and i know how it feels, It is crystal clear you did not do your due diligence properly, heck i even dare to say you did not do any of that at all…I’ld advise you to go look into the white-paper, where you’ll find that the intrinsic value of a single Time token is 1MIM. On top of that their is tons of great content on the tube explaining all things wonderland related (however a decent wrapping video may be missing) What you should do is take credit for you own actions. aware you probable will hate me for this in the upcoming days, but best you can do is take a breather, and start evaluating your actions… where did you got it wrong and make yourself a list to follow in future investments 1; 2; 3; etc
lack of proper knowledge, how you could avoid this = READ PAPERS (understand them) if the terminology is to hard then start making a cheatsheet with explanations, you easily educate yourself if you commit to it but DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE! i want to add onto this that taking your wMEMO for looping is a great functionality, a lot of professional advisors would have advised to be cautious by only using 10% of the available Loan to value ratio, i really don’t get how you are taking risk actions like that, here’s why… you already got that insane APY which is btw also only a reference, a always changing indicator just as the PRICE, TVL etc, add that with crypto’s volatile nature, banking on the mentioned backing value, is just retarded, picture this: even if there was an algorithm that would buy back from the market at a specific value, what do you think the chances are that there will be a wig under that price point, simply put its just eminent, go look at how big the wigs on the btc chart often are, you should always also review where we were in the market, a undecided market in the higher ranges is in my oppinion a stupid place to hedge against digital assets, because it’s way more likely to drop as to go up (and no i aint no bear) eventually you will understand and admit that you made numerous errors while thinking this true and i hope you keep your head up, and make the best of it… believe me when i say i’ve been there done that, i’ve been scammed years ago, fell victim to a wallet hack twice and can only throw in that overcomming sh*t like this will add up to your investment thesis, and can make you a better investor going further if you’re not to proud in mind that is. because facing facts is the hard part as a result you’ll hopefully minimise the chances for yourself to get liquidated in the future, WEAR THE BIG BOY PANTS, YOUR ACTIONS YOUR MISTAKES analyse FACE FACTS re-evaluate COMMIT & GROW

but you can’t expect anybody to bail you out…If only i could go back in time and have 10 minutes @400$ price of TIME wouldn’t that be great, SURE but it ain’t gonna happen…sour but thats how it is…Point is in one way or another there should be a cap on the withdrawal amount or place a minimum time period in between withdrawals preventing these 6 and 7 figures dumping, but ego visioned users would simply split their funds across multiple wallets and get the same results… these asses don’t mind to f*ck all frogs around remember and take care

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You believed what you wanted to be true.

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You are aware that you can bump up the gas on Avalanche, right?? Jeezzz, don’t use leverage on your life savgings and blame others if it doesn’t work out, especially if you’re not familiar with the basic tooling. Nonetheless, honestly feeling sorry for your loss, mate.

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I agree there needs to be a payment to the fellow frogs we have a 1B+ treasury we can help out our fellow frogs to restore the trust in the community many people got rekt and this payment to everybody won’t even affect the treasury not a bit so I’m all for it and also it was stated several times that no frog had to worry about it going significantly under backing I thought they were parameters set in place to make sure we didn’t repeat the same cascade the last time and Dani and sifu should honor there word because I believe in the whole ecosystem that has been built to support wonderland in the long term


I’m not really for it. I guess I’m wrong, but in my reading, the backing is $1. We got a ways to go. But whatever the true case, I know leveraging is high risk. It’s to be avoided. If you assume high risk, however, you must contend with the results. To me, Wonderland itself is a high risk investment. I have not made any money whatsoever. I contend with that as this is a choice I made. My whole holiday season this year I was burned left and right to a crisp on bad choices I made, so I understand this sucks. I am feeling it from other angles. But I still see this project going somewhere, so I am still here. If we do not let this moment teach people how to assess risk properly, then we may be in trouble.

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if that’s your point of view by now then you better stay far away from digital assets, investing, smoking, drinking, hoping riches comes overnight and for what it’s worth. Trust is for lovers and family Trust is not the problem here

I voted in favor with modifications. I do think the backing price should stand for something. the trust is damaged. BUT then I thought, who got liquidated? only the ones that leveraged.

I got in time when the price was at 7000. The recent dump in price hurt me as well, however I am not liquidated. How come? because I dont leverage. If you leverage, that was your decision, dont expect your fellow frogs to pay for your greed. Nobody in this space told you to go leverage your positions. learn that greed is NOT good and that greed has consequences.

if you dont learn it here, you will learn it somewhere else. You better learn quickly before you get rekt again.

my liquidation price was set at 1050$, i was pretty sure it is safe because it was way below backing price
when price started to go around 1400, i tried to deleverage and pay dept but avax network on binance was suspended(which i realized after i bought avax)
and when i tried to use tool on abracadabra transaction would never go through
dont think its fair to all of us small degen frogs who did 9,9 and belived in backing price


Here was a proposal I wrote a while back in hopes of reducing liquidation risks for everyone and keeping Wonderland healthy Reduce default borrow options on Abracadabra to promote more responsible leverage

lmao no

Sifu himself got liquidated

If you leveraged and got liquidated: its your fault, not ours.
I was one of the people warning against leverage in the discord but I was always shot down by people saying its not that unsafe and its just the people who do it irresponsibly who are the problem.

We arent gonna print millions to give to the people who were dumbasses, new to crypto, and yolo’ed their shit like that. I myself have been a victim of irresponsible leverage- But we all eventually learn… the hard way.

Abracadabra isnt giving you free money.
Liquidation is inevitable.
Anime women arent real.


Modification I would propose is that we need to quantify how much this would impact the treasury before agreeing to it fully


You clearly don’t understand the argument. The argument isn’t about leverage. It’s about investors (who helped built the treasury) were told the treasury (that they endowed) would be used in this regard, and it wasn’t deployed the way it was promised. So, lay off your leverage FUD.

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The argument IS NOT about leverage. It’s about investors (who helped built the treasury) were told repeatedly that the treasury that they endowed would be used in this regard, to preserve price and specifically to solve for price cascade [but, “not automated to prevent bots”] and it wasn’t deployed the way it was promised.

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Waaah wahhh I lost money. You should refund me because I leveraged. Waaaahh I’m a baby.


That’s not it either. It’s a reasonable discussion if you let it be.

The argument IS NOT about leverage. It’s about investors (who helped built the treasury) were told repeatedly that the treasury that they endowed would be used in this regard, to preserve price and specifically to solve for price cascade [but, “not automated to prevent bots”] and it wasn’t deployed the way it was promised.

Me too exactly, but the argument IS NOT about leverage. It’s about investors (who helped built the treasury) were told repeatedly that the treasury that they endowed would be used in this regard, to preserve price and specifically to solve for price cascade [but, “not automated to prevent bots”] and it wasn’t deployed the way it was promised.

Your right.

I apologize.

So if I’m understanding correctly there are people who say. I was told it was basically like a net. It wouldn’t allow the price to fall below.

Others say. They understood it to mean it would buy it back. When? No clue. But the price would rise back up.

So people with the understanding of it working like a net: leveraged under that net.

And when it dipped below they were liquidated.

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