Mate seriously I try to help you.I appreciate every hard working contribution.Honestly please take few factors in consideration according to common sense.
- Psychological factor . People aren’t that intelligent and neither patient.
2.People don’t like change and mostly sudden change.Remember that all the problems actually began when the calculator was removed and then the FUD avalanche created after brought us into this disaster. - Now I understand your formula but my main concern consist from where do you take the growth factor?
As Price of Wmemo let’s say {A [B * A]/%=C real profit share revenue
A Wmemo price
B quantity of Wmemo
Divided by the percentage of profit share =the real profit share revenue.
So with the actual Wmemo price is exactly what you’ll got as profit share and don’t forget that we signed up for the APY and the rebases.
According to this Wmemo must worth 1 million USD to break even for most of us.
In fact what we’re figthing for is a burning mechanism proportional with growth of price of Wmemo and Time.
Second APY reduction gradually untill yes I can see your vision happen.
I understand the algorithm but what makes you believe that an NFT would boost the income ?
Is rather new it has place to growth but is still on P2P phase .
Is ok and I will take as a secondary choice.
What I suggest is we joining forces and I propose to merge your vision with ours giving a coherent plan with steps in achieving this.