[RFC] - Buy $SIFU Vision Tokens

Please provide proper insight on why this may not be a good idea instead of half-assed fud.

Thank you

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Sifu is the best. Approve!

Sounds like a great idea except I think because of the one year vesting schedule, restricted liquidity and the fact that it’s a huge capital injection for the SIFU project, WL ABSOLUTELY must get a discount to backing price. Why would nobody even consider this? With a standard deal that is great for both sides, not just one side, this is a great idea. But as a $25 investment with zero preferences, it’s borderline 50/50 with many equal or better options.

SIFU, how about you sweeten the deal for WL?


YES Sir ! bring it :smiley:

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Can’t understand why only 25m.
We will soon be without TM, and buying $Sifu will give me the safety of having the smartest one

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