[RFC] - DAO Governance over Treasury Actions and Strategy

@Deal4412 I really like Sky’s risk limits and a lot of the info he gave us within this proposal originally. Personally, I think it would be useful to have a specific WIP that outlines treasury allocation expectations a bit more in depth. This is not just for the TM but also for the community, to align expectations and be involved in the discussion.

As market dynamics change, it should be fairly noticeable and a new WIP can be proposed by the TM, TOs, or community at that time - outlining how risky we feel we can be as the market grows and where we want to allow that risk. I could be seeing that askew, but it seems like a reasonable way to keep everybody’s expectations aligned.

(I need to learn how to press the right reply button here) XD


@MattMacGyver Sounds good, I agree with this.

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@MattMacGyver and @Deal

Thank you for the responses!

As of right now, as a outgoing TM, I’d like to see if I can address the immediate issue of CVX and Spell - as they are larger portions of the treasury post redemption.

With the community up in anger (justifiably so) over CVX bribes matter, I had figured that these, which I had so implied in the original RFC to be brought forward. This should clear the matter so that the next TM would not have to suffer the same distraction as myself. Note: that there is risks for me to unlock and sell the CVX with 2 days left on my term, but to leave this to the next TM to handle the matter - given it is so close to the term end. Hence, I have pointed this out as a more urgent matter, so if the community wants - I can effect these transactions.

Risk Limits I have proposed we can take some time to further collect feedback if necessary and help construct them once we have some clarity on the incoming TM. Remember that as per WIP8, a TM spot needs to be filled to avoid vagueness around the extent of founder’s abilities to effect items in the treasury.


You should absolutely proceed. I appreciate very much your astuteness in the matter and call for urgency. I hope you are already proceeding… I imagine my note won’t do much in pushing you one way or the other. But you have my support.

With the holiday, i can’t imagine too many in the states paying attention.

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NALX - Can this proceed to WIP!


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Let’s move this thing n finally cut losses on undesirable investments.

Ok so based on the modification then wen sub wip to liquidate CVX at unlock?

We already have internal drama within the DAO and we don’t need anymore conflict of interest from neighbor protocol, let’s cut the tie and be done with this piggyback ride already, totally approve this proposal.

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Can this go to vote?

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Already is! Topic has been approved for WIP


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