[RFC] - Offer Rage Quit Before Other Decisions Are Made

I see your point.
And I can’t speek for nobody but myself.
But at the moment them whales arrived, just before the voting, and even though they raised the price from 300$ to 400$, I personally think that they were only here for one reason.

They saw an opportunity to almost 100% garenteed 2x their investment within 2 days.
Everyone would have done that. Its Cryptoland.
But unfortunately it doesn’t went in their direction and that was the outcome of the vote.

And now I just can’t see why we have to take care of those who were only here to destroy wonderland and end the treasury. I just can’t.

That’s why I want to use the older snapshot. So Everyone who stayed here from above backing, can leave at backing. But those who went in, only to take advantages of the confusing situation here, shouldn’t be rewarded with a double up of their money. And that doesn’t matter if it’s a whale, or someone who bought for 100$.


Luckily it’s not your choice. The votes will decide if this is the right choice.

it should be quite easy to filter them out and frogs would vote for “rage quit” instantly if we remove the people like DCFGOD. The last vote frogs banded together to overpower these people who just bought. and are trying to take money away from those who actually lose money and have been here.

Feeel free to review the DCFGOD based wallets:

Almost 4mm added over last days as he is pushing this vote, and then will take ~4m or so away from the treasury which frogs could have gotten liquidations back and or funds which could be used to generate more returns to pay out. How can anyone agree to this proposal of an outsider coming to cheat us? Frogs are very angry now and this will be defeated unless we make the necessary changes. Also notice how his proposal wants to take off LP but he is already in. This is laughable and I am sharing all this data in frog nation verified member discord now and to Daniel. He is not for us frogs who have been in this for months getting robbed blind. He is a man of honor and said he would defend us.

Better pay the money back to frogs who got hit by the FUD and not in profits rather than to people who care nothing about frog nation or wonderland longevity. Get ready ffor a barrage of frogs to comment we are coming to take back wonderland unless changes are made… This will not pass in its current form, we have the votes.


Absolutely, let’s get this done before moving forward. Strong yes from me.

There is no downside to allowing a “rage quit”. The community will be less divided afterwards.

However, the 100mm BSGG from the evenly distributed airdrop should be given. The rest (as discussed per wMEMO staking) not.


Hell No… Why would we pay out money to DCFGOD who isnt part of our project and gonna make millions… Whole point of paying out treasury is to frogs not scam artists.


Why is DCFGOD rage quitting? How much is he down? Oh look he only bought in last days and is in profit. Scam proposal


@Frogger101 Frogs are coming thanks for letting us know about this. Most are not even aware and a firm no against this idea which makes no sense at all. This will be defeated with flying colors, even Danni is against it!

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Couple of trolls posting by themselves ruining the discussion in this thread, what am I missing here? are moderators planning to do anything?

Have you considered how Wonderland might benefit by this proposal instead of being infatuated by a few whales profiting?

It seems you would rather see wonderland die than accept whales are able to make a profit sometimes. Grow up mate this is how markets work



ok bruv


But why should we let them?

It wery simple.

The price fell under backing price just after the “Sifu Gate” event.

Lets use the Snapshot used for that vote, and let everyone quit at backing who bought before. Even if it’s a whale. (I’m not against whales) I’m against everyone using this situation to arbitrage. That’s it.

Everyone else can quit at market price. And probably with a premium.

I’m really into get through this as quick as possible. But again. Not letting anyone take advantage of the siruation

how would it benefit? if we filter the whales frogs can still rage quit and we are left with more in treasury…

People who want out that were actually part of wonderland are out , and the rest stay in with a bigger warchest! its a win win for all , paying the whales is huge loss for all of us frogs.


if you lost money quit at backing, if you bought below you can exit at your entry price, quite simple. No need to pay extra money. I totally agree and this is quite EASY to implement and frogs end up benefiting.

Totally agree to use either the liquidation event or SIFU event as the snapshot, if you bought under you can exit at market and still in profit now.

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I like your profile image which is similar to the Mexican Day of the Dead tradition, La Catrina, etc.

It was promised at the time that there would be a fixed rebuy price. The Wonderland team should stick to it so as not to lose your trust. It will not harm us but strengthen us! Because all those who get off afterwards will no longer leave any negative comments in the forum, which generally ensures peace. 2. The Wonderland team can focus on restructuring and we can finally close the chapter and go to Wonderland 2.0! Finally stop whining! Clear announcements, clear goals and let’s go. Everything else leads to nothing but resentment! Stay invested and trust management. Read through the professor’s analysis, he makes really good suggestions that we should consider.

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Well like the other guy it’s luckily not up to you what happens, the votes will show what the majority want, not the few irrational whale bashers

OBVIOUSLY. These are comments of those who didn’t lose anything and actually want to make a profit because probably they bought TIME/wMEMO cheap!
I care shit of these proposals when there is no common work on draft for the one has to be weighted voted in a proper way to present in the snapshot section - which are indecent and not understandable.

All this is a scum, and a shame for Crypto, better we close better we feel. Rage avoidance.

I don’t give a shit on either Daniele or his companies who cashed out millions of our savings

That’s bullshit so give us the money back at the price we bought no backing price of hell … otherwise there will be consequences outside this real.

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That’s right. And I must comment. I am not being irrational. And like I said, have nothing against whales. At all.
But why shouldn’t this be the most fair solution to everyone? Both before and after snapshot. And both to Frogs and whales and everyone else.

Cant see why it isn’t fair to everyone. Long timers will have a loss atm anyway.

And I am trying to just argue with you other token holders for why this is a fair solution.

No force, no irrationality. Just finding a solution.

And no. It isnt up to me. And I don’t wish it to be. It should go by vote. But should be a fair proposal

Perhaps you didn’t have the time to think before posting that? Let’s just take an example, although I know that Wall Street is not the same as crypto.

A listed company always has a published plan and possibly even mentions its financials goals.
— If the market price drops and I want to sell, then I lose.
— But in their proposal it said that they will only sell oranges and stop selling more bananas. That is why I bought stock because I didn’t like the banana market.
— Then they continued to only sell banana and never introduced oranges.

Regardless of the market price, at that moment they are liable towards the investors because the promises changed.

If I were to invest in a crypto company who offers a guaranteed buyback price, even if it might be a riskier investment then, I might decide to invest.

If that crypto company then negates on it’s promises and furthermore, the price has tanked, then Q!"§$%&/ !

The ‘share’ in the crypto ‘company’ can naturally be sold at market price (everybody knows that) but if the initial promises were not upheld, only bananas and no oranges as promised or no buybacks despite tanking market value AND continually changing goalposts, then one might be enraged and want to recoup the investment (or as much as possible) and move on.

That is the situation we are facing here.

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SnowBank case study shows that is definitely not the way to go.

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