Some basic USER SECURITY features

We could also give a recommendation (mini-ad) for the hardware wallet, where everyone who buys a hardware wallet through the link gets some % off and wonderland earns a commission adding 50% to reserve treasury and 50% to apy (or any other percentages). Basically a cooperation but for DAO.

My suggestion is that we vote on which hardware wallet suits wonderland the best (should there be more than 1 applicants).

Open for many improvement ideas so I can refine and finalise.


Simply “yes”! Let us convert to an RFC.

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Thanks, I’m going to make some minor changes and put it in the RFC section!

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Hi Guys please can anyone help. I did some staking on Time wonderland 3 weeks ago. in between I have check for some progress couple of times. I logged in yesterday the 27th of December , to my greatest surprise my Time/Token or memo, all wiped out. i would like to know what happened with my investment. I invested 6k of my hard earned money, please someone help me.

Hey, not the most well versed when it comes to this but i’d try checking your metamask account. When you use MetaMask elsewhere, it switches the network and you have to manually switch it back to AVAX network to see your MEMO staked. Refresh the page.

Are you sure its staked, not minted?

Make sure that your TREZOR or LEDGER Hard Wallet installed on your
Metamask ( not just for your TIME , but for all your Crypto Holdings in any Wallet . I read all the time how wallets have been “cleaned” . Many of the Chrome Extensions enable hackers to access your MetaMask and withdrawal and empty your Metamask .

I’m in favor of added security. I currently use a hardware wallet, but I like the idea of having additional layers of security on top of that.