Treasury Co-Management Proposal: Professor & SkyHopper

Really excited about this possibility. Great to see that Professor is putting up a viable alternative proposal to Bastion. Some of the comments have suggested that there might be differences in opinion. In that case, I would suggest a siloed solution where each manager controls a part of the treasury, separate from the other, and is free to implement whatever strategies they deem fit.

Nonetheless, I am excited to see this go down to the vote and will strongly support such a solution.

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You seem like you know what your doing but all I ask is that if this proposal goes through that your fees come from whatever Bastion’s taking I would rather have most of the treasury go to actually building the treasury

joint is the way to go

At last a knowledgeable and eager Comandante. I swallow my spit in admiration - The Professor is da man… roll over Sifu, all hail the Second Coming !

Psst - you have my vote Prof.

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