Use Wonderland Treasury to purchase a portion of the remaining circulating supply of $JADE

Miss me with these rug pulls like Jade and all others.

Accept that you invested in a rug pull pal and move on with your life.

Stop shilling your crap in here, this is not junior league where you’re coming from.

For sake of transparency:

  • I hold 13.2847 $JADE
  • I am not a dev or affiliated with the team at JadeProtocol other than being a holder of their token
  • I’m not posting this discussion in an attempt to get wonderland to pump my position
  • I don’t think that Jade is a rug, however, I do agree that they have a shitty track record

Part of the reason why I posted this discussion was out of excitement for how JadeProtocol planned to move forward. It was the middle of the night when I posted and I admit I wasn’t being diligent at all by rushing to post my idea.

You all make excellent points and I admit that the shotty track record of Jade Devs, Overall risk of the project, and the potential harm it could cause is undoubtedly not in the best interest of wonderland holders.

With that said, I personally am going to hold my position and see how it plays out… I do want to see their project succeed and be implemented successfully, however, I do understand the nature of the risk I’m taking.

Overall, I brought this up because I’m just excited by the idea of wonderland cosigning and having a controlling stake in other exciting DeFi projects— we are a fund after all. But I do concede my point: I no longer think that this is a good move or good use of Treasury Funds at this given moment.

I wanna thank @NalX and @Nate111 for taking the time to craft your arguments; you two showed a lot of class and I appreciate it. I wanna thank the rest of you for your responses and for giving your honest thoughts as well. I admit that a lot of points in my initial post were quite naive. The DAO consensus on this topic is obvious and I concede on my initial proposal in agreement with all of you.

Lastly, please let me know if you would like me to leave this thread open or delete it. I personally don’t mind leaving it open but i’ll let you all decide.

(Btw Sorry for taking forever to respond to all of you. My flights keep getting canceled and I’ve been stuck in a layover for over 16 hours trying to figure this shit out lol… fuck omicron -__-)


Just want to say one last thing too. I love wonderland and all of you. This is by far my favorite project because of its team and community. I sincerely want this project to do well not for profit, but because I believe in what we’re capable of and what we’re going to do as a result. This is the main reason why I stepped down from my proposal. I come from options trading and I admit my risk tolerance is higher than most, but I would never intend to hurt this project. Thanks for giving me the reality check you all did though. Everyone has to do the walk of shame at some point, but I hope I handled it in way that was at least able to earn some of your respect in the process… #FrogsHelpFrogs


I dont like this idea, a lot if poeple already lost money on Jade and you cant compare the two projects Jade and Wonderland. Its a different level. Jade is not Life DAO (xD) but despite this i think Jade gonna fail in the close future. DO NOT INVEST IN JADE.
Live Long the FROG NATION.

The point of this forum is to openly share ideas for the purpose of improving Wonderland. Don’t feel bad for your suggestion and I apologize if I came off a little aggressive. I really don’t like Jade especially how the devs talk down to their investors after rugging multiple projects. Thanks for sharing and hope to see you in the Discord group.


No apology necessary, I thought you provided really great input. I have similar feelings about the Jade Devs.

I feel like they troll their users too often and there’s a lack of seriousness that I don’t much care for. I posted about this in their discord letting people know that they seem to be keen on performing psychological tests on their holders, and to be aware that future “stress testing” may be used to weed out the weak. Whether or not this “stress testing” is their strategy for community development or signs of them getting ready to possibly rug, I can’t deny that they are putting people in a strange predicament.

On the other hand, however, I really think their take on a DeFi VC fund could be a really great idea if they are actually serious like they claim.

To be honest, I brought this idea forward based on what’s been communicated by Daniele. While Wonderland is a fund, our investment focuses seems to be predominantly on building out the Abracadabra, Popsicle, Sushi ecosystem and Crypto Gaming.

Now I’m not criticizing this focus at all. I believe building out this DeFi ecosystem to be essential to the space. I, also, think Crypto Gaming is going to become the most successful model in the already most profitable segment of the entertainment industry.

Instead I brought this idea forward because of the broader scope of projects that a fund like Jade might invest in and the opportunity this gives to Wonderland. Wonderland’s team has shown in a short time that they have an incredible ability to manage things. I thought an investment in Jade to be a reasonable idea, because it gives Wonderland the ability to manage more projects without having to actively engage with them. For example, I can imagine how Wonderland might be able to leverage Jade’s position in potentially ground breaking projects in order to scale its other platforms (Abra,Pop,Sushi). Wonderland could do this without the need to divert any significant amount of attention away from it’s own priorities.

Personally this is what excited me and spurred me to make this post. The thing that I realize now though is that while this might be an incredible idea in theory, Jade’s current track record/reputation arouses more suspicion than it inspires. It’s a shame because as much as people want to say this is a stupid idea, if it weren’t for their rep I’m pretty confident that you all could admit that this idea does have potential.

Overall, you were all right to shoot down my idea though. It’s a gamble and only time will tell if Jade is complete bullshit or not. While it might okay for me to invest as an individual. The same doesn’t apply when proposing that an entire DAO takes this same risk.

Nevertheless, I am glad I made the suggestion in the end for nothing more than getting to engage with the rest of you. Thanks and happy new years! :slight_smile:


I think Wonderland is better positioned to be a VC fund than Jade with our massive treasury and now a complete ecosystem with the recent addition of sushi. Having a complete ecosystem makes us a one stop shop. 70mil and a track record of failure does not inspire confidence to potential start ups. I think Dani has talked about Wonderland being sort of a launchpad for interesting projects in the future and I think we’re starting to see it now with the sports betting company investment. Again, I don’t trust team that can’t launch a successful project to provide any value to Wonderland. They can aspire to be the VC of defi but don’t think they have the team to do it successfully.

Yes and now that we acquired sushi I think we can grow the whole ecosystem and leverage that to our advantage. We can out compete everyone else.

No thanks. Investing in another OHM fork is ridiculous lol. Treasury would be better spent buying Time tokens

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Whats the point in backing a project doing the same thing as us, i rather have a vote and chose our own investments. If i want to invest in jade i would just buy myself. Also they got rugged.

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