Why revenue share model is dumb

Agreed, I think speculating is a waste of TIME (pun intended) without a formal written proposal by the Boyz! :slight_smile:


Wasnā€™t the premise to this proposal was that this would only be considered when all the rewards from rebases have been exhausted and there were no longer any minters/stakers and not as a replacement of todayā€™s current model?


What if (3,3) doesnā€™t have to go away. We could lower the dilutive factors and allocate some funds to act as a fund, and create actual revenue. I think both the revenue share and (3,3) can coexist


Totally agree and looking at the comments online under different YouTube videos the general sentiment is the same. Revenue share model is quite common. If I wanted a revenue model I would have gone for a project that does just that. Hell, look at something Evergrow Coin (EGC) that has already redistributed millions. But the reason I went for Wonderland is exactly the rebase model, staking and a great APY. Should this change a lot of people will leave the project and go for another rebase model or even the original one, OlympusDAO


Yeah and get rid of leveraging while weā€™re at it haha.


This is when I would support changing the model. But this is in the far far far future!


Exactly! The discussion on the discord server was about what the DAO should do when all time tokens have been distributed and that was when the revenue sharing model was brought up.

We should probably wait for some sort of framework to be created before saying revenue share is bad. If we move the revenue share model, the TIME supply will be capped and the incentive will be holding and earning a monthly passive income vs staking and earning more TIME. This will make the value of TIME increase due to the now limited supply and the potential earning of time for passive income.

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Long term rebasing is not sustainable. You are receiving more and more of an asset that is being diluted exponentially and the price will reflect that. As Sifu has mentioned, when dilution becomes an issue it makes sense to move to a revenue sharing model to maintain/boost the price of the assets we are holding and it would guarantee actual profits long term. Rebasing is great for building liquidity, but eventually dilution will outpace rebase rewards. There is not even an actual proposal yet, so all of the information out there about a potential change is speculation and reactionary FUD


The revenue sharing model is good, but now is not a good time to do so. We are here because the APY is high.
if u change it suddenly, people will FUD even we do the DAO vote
(we maybe in the bear market)

I think the revenue sharing model should happen at Bull market, and same time we also find the evidence of dilution suffering the price down
(look at SMRTr coin)

I agree. Also, in a revenue share model, where we would be paid out in say ETH/BTC/Whatever, whatā€™s stopping us from restaking those too? I any case, at some point inflation of TIME will become problematic. Iā€™m sure that some kind of hybrid strategy could be worked out.

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From my understanding the 8 hour rebase is treated like a stock split and you are taxed capital gains when you withdraw your funds

I would love for this to be so. The only issue is that these tokens, starting with OHM have only been out for less than a year, and there is currently no IRS guidance, that Iā€™m aware of, for cryptos that treat rebase coins as a stock split. They SHOULD treat them this way but a more conservative approach is for me to believe they will see these rebases as dividends, especially with all the talk in the community of ā€œearning passive incomeā€ from rebases. Nobody in the stock space ever talks of ā€œearning passive incomeā€ from stock splits. You donā€™t earn income from stock splits.


I think were mixing concepts here, sorry if I misunderstand.

  1. Rebases are treated as dividends (you got paid so you calculate CG tax).
  2. wMEMO is treated as stock splits (you eventually cash out and its typically handled in one of 4 ways, the default being first in-first out cost bias).

This is why the demand for MIM using wMEMO is infinite. Your never exposing yourself to CG tax because you never sell the tokens (unless your liquidated).

Rebases are actually treated as stock split not dividends.
wMEMO is treated as capital gains.


Yup. In addition we donā€™t have much info on revenue share model, it might actually be like this. This discussion is pointless without full info.

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I just saw a YouTube video about crypto Millionaires moving to Puerto Rico because they donā€™t have to pay taxes

The best video ever .

Thanks for sharing .