[WIP #5] – Offer a Rage Quit Option to wMEMO holders

I like this vote. I personally don’t want to get bought out but I think offering that option to holders would significant increase percieved trust in wonderland. I think this is the way to move forward.


I’d be interested in seeing who wants to ragequit and what the numbers would be before I would agree to do a ragequit.

There are a lot of variables that are glossed over here. This needs to be a lot more specific of a proposal. The way it is worded isn’t jiving with what Dani has been saying in discord the last few days.

If the average person cannot comprehend exactly what’s going on in a proposal, it isn’t worded properly. These need to be written very specifically in an explain like we’re 5 manner. With every minutiae laid out. I’ve seen enough confused posts, and I’m not quite sure myself on a lot of the details.

I’m hearing backing price, then I’m hearing it depends on length of hold etc. I’m hearing what Dani has been saying, then I see this. Hopefully the ama is going to clear some of this up.


Yes to rage quit, so that we do not have any more whinners on the project.

However, coming up with a good formula for whitelist is going to be tricky. Those who are quitting should not profit at the expense of long term holders.

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Nah. Sell if you want out. Treasury will buy back your share at way cheaper after youre gone. Massive win for holders.

Excuse my ignorance here, but say i bought at the lowest (which unfortunately i bought at the top), but if i bought at the lowest, the Rage Quit option passes, i get my money at backing price making quite a substantial gain.

Whats to stop me from just buying in with my profits and coming along with the rest of the frogs ? Seems like youre just giving those who bought in at the bottom even more money with none of the risk ?

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Common sense tells me but more time and wrap memo caused us Frogs are gonna be ha ing a pondi party after The rage quitters leave. The Frogs staying behind are strong enough to buyup more of The wmemo as it will be going up,up,up

Yes, this proposal as it is now, is giving anybody who want to make quick buck to do it at this event. If this proposal to be executed as is, you can go make some loan or something and buy WMEMO as much as you can. Since there will be no snapshot, then anyboby who buy WMEMO from today onwards can participate in this rage quit event and get confirmed profit.

But dont wait till the day the event start since from that day onwards till the event finished, you cant buy WMEMO anymore since trading WMEMO will be halted.


I like this proposal. I feel it to be fairly done. Most likely I’ll vote No for rage quit.

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ok, sooooo can someone please fill me in and tell me what to do lol. I have been in here since pre sifugate, but havent really been keeping up. I only have .5 memo right now, but it was 1200 bucks when i put it in a few months back. Whats the best look? vote Y or N?

Sifu currently on discord pretty much said what you said just different wording. I support RQ.

“WIP5 allows redemption at backing, which should be expected from any fund. Arbitrageurs will buy to backing in order to redeem the spread, driving up market price. When they exit, remaining holders will benefit from both their price action and the increase of backing due to whale forfeiture of BSGG, and slippage losses. Only those who wish to continue here with new management will remain. We should end up with an aligned community.”


Sifu said exactly what i said: below are his words

WIP5 allows redemption at backing, which should be expected from any fund. Arbitrageurs will buy to backing in order to redeem the spread, driving up market price. When they exit, remaining holders will benefit from both their price action and the increase of backing due to whale forfeiture of BSGG, and slippage losses. Only those who wish to continue here with new management will remain. We should end up with an aligned community.


Yup… but seems like people don’t understand how maths work… just like to whine

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All liquidity will be removed from LP pools. There would be no way to buy back after the ragequit for at least 72 hours.

Arr oki. I thought it was difficult to find out who is really elligeble and who is not?

It is a blockchain, you can scroll to the date and take a snapshot at the specific block

who wants to leave should leave without a vote on the support price. It’s just a waste of time

It’s not good style just to say people who do not agree are whiners.

Some might not understand fully. That’s why it’s important to light up every detail. And it’s done great by the people trying to explain it in here.

I personally agree in, it’s good to get rid of people who don’t want to be here anyway.

But I will always be against rewarding people who enteret in the first place, only to take advantage of the situation.

That’s why Im only supporting rage quit for everyone who bought above backing. Those were the OGs who were promised that it would never go below.

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I just write some comments here:

A. A rage quite option will allow those accumulating at lower than treasury backing while less BSGG and a 5-10% buffer (or fee) will inevitably lower the treasury coffers.

B. However, those remaining would have synthetically bought BSGG for free AND gotten a bit of a gain to stay in. That means an instant (and potentially material) increase in backing per WMEMO.

Simply not voting I think - and thus letting YES paper hands… transfer you value.


There is no formula to determine what assets a RQ yes wallet will receive and how the treasury is calculated, for example is it based reducing treasury holdings of WMEMO, MEMO TIME and comparing it to the market capitalization less the treasury holdings?

This has ramifications on both the RQ yes wallet, and those continuing on.

Exactly what I mentioned above. By my estimate if 20% of tokens ragequit, that brings wmemo backing for remaining holders to 50k+… people need to understand that. Thanks for your input here! Let’s get the raggers out and continue our journey