[WIP #5] – Offer a Rage Quit Option to wMEMO holders

Ok, follow me through an example of an arb trade on RQ that I came up with on the spot without even thinking about it for more than a minute…

Let’s say backing is $100, pre RQ market price was $50.

Buy 100 tokens at $50 = Cost basis $5,000

Sell after RQ:

20 at $100 = $2,000
20 at $90 = $1,800
20 at $80 = $1,600
20 at $70 = $1,400
20 at $60 = $1,200

Total sales = $8,000

Buy back in at $60 x 100 = $6,000

New position is 100 tokens + $2,000 profit

Community outrage demands buybacks because RQ didn’t work:

Buybacks push price up to $100.

Value of position is now $100 x 100 = $10,000

Sell everything. $10,000 final sale + $2,000 made from ladder = $12,000
Initial investment of $5,000

That’s 140% return.

and that’s only doing it once. If you want you can keep doing it until the treasury is dry or there is no support for more buybacks.

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Yeah you clearly didn’t think about it lol.
LP will be removed and price will be back to backing…

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ravensky: “if I buy wmemo now. I am going to be eligible for rage quit?”

The answer to your question should be NO. It depends exactly how the proposal is formulated. Currently it is unclear!


leave thinking to people who can think then
wmemo price will increase with every buy
people made the math, its less than 10M to bring it back to backing
btw there isn’t a 2x profit, price is 27k and backing is 33-38k (no one knows)
that means 19% profit. 19%. not 100%.

Why are none of these details in the WIP?


Wonderland made that promise!


agreed. It´s logical.

This WIP seems at best incomplete. Leaves too much to be determined later. The community deserves a serious and detailed proposition. Also, I don’t agree with Rage Quit for people who bought below backing price. I thought the whole Rage Quit thing was supposed to be an option for people that joined Wonderland before all the recent drama and wanted out. It makes no sense to allow the people buying now to exit with in Rage Quit.


This is not a video game…Rage quit. Sounds like my 13yo playing XBOX. There are no winners in either of these scenarios. RQ = buy more after they/we tank the price. Most folks here are in the red. There were so many better resolutions that did not come to fruition. I was part of ICE DAO… they tried to restructure they are no longer prevalent and I am out my money.
Vote on the rage quit:
After the vote is complete do the math
Vote again if we want to move fwd once the prices are clear to all.
The way it sits right now we are all going to loose a shitload of cash to big holders.

I might be missing something but if pay out the quitters, the backing will be lower by the same % of tokens that were used to RQ.

The flaky frogs have already ragequit WL. In fact, I believe the only people reading this proposal are here to stay, so who are we catering to by voting yes? I am voting no.

If you keep those tokens out of circulation or burn them, then the remaining treasury is lower but it is backing a smaller amount of tokens. So the resulting backing would be the same. That’s what happens on my “Scenario 1”, but in “Scenario 2” the backing does fall. But would that really be a problem?

EXACTLY. It needs to be re-written so that it’s much simpler and clearer, without using Google translator please. Get somebody to write it precisely and then shorten the text again by 50%! :wink: Also, the date of purchase need to be taken into consideration. That way later buyers can be excluded if that’s the way it’s going. Personally, I think that is fairer, but this is Wonderland.

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What a load of BS! An agreement is an agreement and should not be a marketing ploy!

I guess that you bought at a low price?

It is a breach of contract if the backing price is not upheld!

Yes, I also think this will be the best way forward!


The more I read this RQ option, the less sense it makes. It is poorly worded and structured. Why already prepare WIP#5.2 if you are not sure if WIP#5.1 passes? Furthermore, crucial information is lacking such as:

  1. Voters: Eligible Voters should be before Sifugate or a date before whales bought.
  2. wMEMO: What happens to wMEMO that is being used for the RQ? Burned? Distributed to remaining holders?

Please go back to the drawing board and come back with something suspenseful. I will give you a hint. Make sure you have the well being of long term frogs in your mind to guide you for an improvement proposal, the way this is written it looks like a wrappedWIP#4 (wWIP4) all over again, just worded differently. Above all, we need a fair voting system (quadratic voting system with time weighted average of holding wMEMO) which has also been proposed in the forums. The longer you held wMEMO, the more voting power you get.


Im starting to think the RQ option is losing its ferver.

RQ was proposed along time ago when emotions were high and people were still invested.

Most have already sold and it feels like we’re beating a dead horse trying to pasify the few who are left holding bags hoping to arb or gain 20 or 30% return on the RQ option.

Clearly, this WIP 5.1 hardly looks like the professor (RQ) proposal which probably would have worked fine.

After reading this entire thread, I’m starting to get the feeling it won’t matter whether we vote Yes or No.

Im not an expert on any of this but there appears to be alot intelligent people in here who are making good cases for both Yes and NO.

In both cases, It doesn’t appear that anything detrimental is going to happen either way to Wonderlands treasury and its investors regardless how this vote ends.

More clarity and detail in the proposal would have been my choice but Im not getting that vibe here.
More like, “Lets get this over with, and move on” type of vibe.
Please correct me Im inaccurate on this.

Yes or No, some one is going to be Butt hurt in the end.
Still undesided at this point for me.

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I have concern with snapshot 2. I believe voting for “YES, add me to the whitelist” should actually bind them to their decision. What if people want to play it safe and vote for Yes but still decide not to participate in rage quit.

My understanding is that this proposal does not include the burning of wMEMO, but this is simply based on the fact that it does not address it. I will ask for clarification and see if the post can be amended to clarify.