A proposal to return Sifu to Wonderland

In the best intentions of this wonderful DAO, I think that Sifu should definitely be a part of Wonderland … I think - like mostly in the main stream media but unfortunately also not only - people have not been informed well and stuck the “wrong” but strong accusations that were spread around … Simple wrong info is sadly stronger than the complex truth …


I agree with this proposal.


we need sifu back!! no doubt about it


Are you aware of that Sifu is the reason that Wonderland crashed? We will never have a good reputation and image with this criminal of a financial fraudster sitting in the administration.

You guys are so naive it is insane. Wake the fuck up frog nation.


I think you are underestimating the public backlash to this. Its all well and good listing the successes over the last few months but ultimately to be successful you need a treasury and I believe a vote to reinstate Sifu would lead to a mass exodus from the treasury at the backing price = bye bye treasury. This will essentially become a vote to allow people to get out at backing price.

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This proposal has my full support. It is sensible and based on truth and facts.


bring back my boy sifu

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I def support this, bring sifu back.


I too support on this proposal.


I agree with proposal. Let’s bring Sifu the GOAT back.


Now is not the time for such a decision. We need to point WL in a new direction first, and then conduct a full and transparent audit on the Treasury before we can even consider his return.
The audit is not because I don’t trust wSifu: it would help clear out the air about any malfeasance or wrong doing during his time as TM.
Please consider adding the audit as necessary step in the proposal plan. Thanks!

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If for some reason this cant pass in current form add option for Sifu to be Treasury Consult with his ideas given priority. We only need lame duck manager to make sure treasury funds are not absconded with. We dont need to pay some company some outrageous fee. Let the man do his work. He has not failed us before. Fuck Zachbxt

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I would add another option:
“I agree with Sifu returning AFTER a full external treasury audit is conducted”

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Good idea. I’ll add that to the proposal in the process section.


Welcome back Sifu. I’m certain community is ready.


i didnt know what really happened, sorry for being unfair for Sifu and i voted im out
Lets bring Sifu Back :smiley:

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We had to admit regardless SIFU past come on all we did stupid things when young.Now Bitfinex hacked funds were found somewhere else and SIFU was allegedly suspected that he washed Quadrica funds via Bitfinex. Didn’t happened either.
We will never know what happened with Quadrica hard to tell. What happened with Wonderland?
SIFU grew the treasury up to 1.2 billion.After some loses bear market leveraging where shouldn’t suppose to come the revelations about its past.
Treasury goes down people sell crazily. In conclusion? Things are grey in Wonderland mean let’s face it we loved SIFU when the treasury growing APY was insane Time was hitting 10k hey SIFU was great isn’t ? And it was the same SIFU. Now we find out that SIFU was a crook well on my opinion that should put us all at ease as we know these guys are the greatest capacities in doing money :money_with_wings: and see where the money is.Glad that SIFU isn’t an idiot because I’m afraid this is irremediable.
We need SIFU but SIFU needs more control and work with other people.Limited or 0 access to treasury in fact keep the multisign neutral from trading team. SIFU would make a good team with Bastion or Dubai fella whomever wants in.

It’s all nice, but the question is: does he want to come back?


The professor mentioned he rather sees himself in a role behind the curtains delegating and not actively managing the funds. This is were Sifu could come into play. A synergistic combination.

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We can’t change what happened, but we can move forward and try to recuperate our losses with his help again!