
July 1st 2024

Volta Treasury Report for Q2 2024

Our Financial Officer, ruian, has published the Volta Club Treasury Report for Q2 2024. Find the details in the article below!

April 3rd 2024

Volta Treasury Report for Q1 2024

Our Financial Officer, ruian, has published the Volta Club Treasury Report for Q1 2024. Find the details in the article below!

Volta Club Q1 2024 Treasury Report

January 19th 2024

BSGG Token Migration

Hello, Club Members!

Many of our holders have previously received BSGG from the initial airdrop as well as farm rewards. It is important for those holding BSGG to take note that Betswap has begun migration to their new token in response to the ongoing situation with Multichain.

Their migration will be open for a limited period and is scheduled to close on April 15th 2024, 8:00 am GMT.

Find more information in the links below:

January 5th 2024

New CMP Snapshot Page

Hello, Club Members!

Due to technical issues arising from the previous ENS domain under which our Volta Club CMP Snapshot page was created, and following consultations with the Snapshot Team, we were compelled to create a new one. The new CMP Snapshot page has been set up under a subdomain of our main ENS, and the threshold has been adjusted to reflect the new quarter’s Volta circulation.

All data from the CMP #1 vote have been securely stored for future reference.

:zap: CMP Snapshot Page:

January 1st 2024

Q4 2023 Treasury Report

Our Financial Officer, ruian, has published the Volta Club Treasury Report for Q4 2023. Find the details in the article below!

Volta Club Treasury Q4 | by ruian | Volta Club Newsletter | Medium

Note that the market price for Volta is up 140% this year!

November 27th 2023

End of Manual Migrations

Hello Club Members!

[CMP #1] - End of Manual Migrations has passed which means manual migrations will be over on January 1st, 2024.

All requests for a manual migration from our team must be submitted before this date via ticket on our Discord to be eligible. If you have not yet migrated your wMEMO and still need to do so, please join our Discord and #create-a-ticket for assistance!

November 9th 2023

New Discord Server

Hello Club Members!

Now that the wMEMO to Volta migration portal has closed, the Volta Club will make a fresh start on a :sparkles:New Discord Server! :sparkles:

With our new brand, new dapp, and new token, moving to a new server will be beneficial to establish our protocol in its new era as Volta Club. :volta:

The new server will be very familiar, but more streamlined. This also gives us an opportunity to implement new server security features with the goal of better protecting all of our community members!

Join us on our new server to stay up to date on all the latest happenings around the club! We’ll see you there!

November 7th 2023

wMEMO Migration Portal

Hello Club Members!

The wMEMO to Volta migration portal has now closed. Join our discord and #create-a-ticket to request a manual migration which will be performed on a best effort basis.

October 2th 2023

Wonderland Treasury Report for Q3 2023

Hello Club Members!

Our Financial Officer, ruian, has published the Volta Club Treasury Report for Q3 2023. Find the details in the article below!

September 17th 2023

image Volta Club’s acquisition of Uwu Lend image

Hello, Club Members!

We are thrilled to announce Volta Club’s acquisition of Uwu Lend!

This deal brings many benefits for our members, including full ownership and control of the protocol, additional revenue for the treasury, and our own in-house lending platform that offers collateralization for Volta tokens! Read the details of the acquisition here:

August 28th 2023

image Wonderland Token Migration to Voltaimage

We would like to inform you that due to the ongoing situation involving Multichain, and with security in mind as our highest priority, we will be migrating to a new token! This will be done using our in-house bridging, without involving third party protocols, featuring OFT using LayerZero.

During this fresh start with our new token, the team has taken the opportunity to incorporate better security, more affordable cross-chain swapping and simplified protocol tokenomics. With the conclusion of rebases and staking last year, the 3-token system (TIME/MEMO/wMEMO) has become redundant and confusing for many. This change allows us to take the next step in the streamlining of our protocol, and we will finally execute the idea of rebranding that has long been discussed and awaited by our community!

Our new token, VOLTA, (Italian for “TIME”) will have a max supply of 1mm and the exchange ratio will be 1:330 wMEMO to VOLTA. For step-by-step instructions on migrating your tokens, read the article below!

wMEMO Migration to VOLTA

To migrate your tokens, please visit the “Migration” page on the dapp.

image VOLTA Migration Portal :

If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out on Discord or create a post in Support and a member of our team will be happy to assist you!

July 2th 2023

Wonderland Treasury Report for Q2 2023

Hello Wonderland!

Our Financial Officer, ruian, has published the Wonderland Treasury Report for Q2 2023. Find the details in the article below!

June 9th 2023

Wonderland Farm Discontinued

Hello Wonderland!

After long discussions, the team has decided to discontinue the current farm staking system. This decision was made based on a variety of reasons:

  • Fairness for those unstaked
  • Claiming may be a taxable event
  • Legal alignment
  • Decreases wMEMO backing and does not allow for yield generation on farm tokens

How does holding wMEMO benefit me now?

Holding our token benefits you by allowing Wonderland to effectively manage your capital through their experienced treasury team. This expertise and strategic treasury management provide potential for the token’s value to grow over time, supported by Kyber Elastic pools and a buyback program. Additionally, without the need to claim farm rewards and swap them for more wMEMO, holding the token now effectively enables auto compounding as well as access to extra yield on ecosystem platforms like UwU Lend within the Panda Nation ecosystem!

There is no rush to unstake your tokens from the farm, and this may be done at whatever time is most convenient for you.

April 8th 2023

Wonderland Q1 2023 Treasury Report

Hello Wonderland!

Our Financial Officer, ruian, has published the Wonderland Treasury Report for Q1 2023. Find the details in the article below!

Wonderland Q1 2023 Treasury Report

January 21st 2023

JennyCo AMA!

Join us for an AMA with the team from JennyCo!

Read through their proposal, and then submit your questions for the JennyCo Team in advance in our #ama-questions channel on Discord or here. Time permitting, we will then take questions live from the audience!

When: 2023-01-23T16:30:00Z
Where: AMA Stage Channel

This event will be recorded for those who are unable to tune in live. Don’t miss it!

November 7th 2022

AMA with the Wonderland Treasury Operators!

You are invited to join us for an AMA with the Wonderland TOs, @Deal and @The_Ferengi ! Get to know the team members behind Wonderland’s recent treasury deployment strategies and ask them whatever questions you may have! Submit your questions in advance in our ama-questions channel, or ask them live during the event!

For those who missed it, you can listen to the event recording here!

Recording on SoundCloud:

This event will be recorded for those who are unable to tune in live. Don’t miss it!

November 5th 2022

Risk Officer AMA!

Thank you so much to everyone who tuned in today for our AMA with the applicants for Wonderland Risk Officer!

For those who missed it, you can listen to the event recording here!

Recording on SoundCloud:

November 3rd 2022

Risk Officer Applicants’ AMA!

Join us for an AMA with some of the candidates that have applied to be Wonderland’s Risk Officer!

Submit your questions in advance in our AMA Discord channel. Time permitting, we will then take questions live from the audience!

When: 2022-11-05T18:00:00Z

Where: Discord

This event will be recorded for those who are unable to tune in live. Don’t miss it!

October 28 2022

Monthly update + Abracadabra bribe breakdown

Hello Wonderland!

We have TWO new Medium articles to share with you!

The Bribes • Wonderland x Abracadabra

The first is a comprehensive summary of the bribes agreement with Abracadabra. This provides an in-depth look at the terms of the agreement, a timeline of events, and impact. The article will also be updated when new information becomes available!

The Start of a New Era - October 2022 Update

This article covers the most recent updates in Wonderland! Find out about our upcoming votes, Avalanche Liquid Staking, and more in this month’s post!

October 23rd 2022

Liquidity Migration

Please note that the liquidity pool for wMEMO has been moved from USDC.e on Sushi to USDT.e on Kyberswap!

Swap to/from wMEMO here:

October 19 2022

$500,000 investment into UWU Lend

Today the multisig executed an OTC deal with UWU Lend. This was discussed and proposed by our Tteasury Operators and then approved by the Treasury Council members. 500,000 DAI was sent to Sifu.eth.

50,000 UwU tokens were purchased at the price of $10/each. 90% of these tokens have been placed in a Sablier stream vesting over 24 months.

The 5,000 UwU tokens already received will be locked in the UwU LP for and then staked for rewards (current APR is 239.89%) for a period of 24 months. As more tokens are vested and claimed, these will be added to our LP position.