Ask Dani to continue as Wonderland`s CEO/Vote down WIP#4

This is a proposal on the general consensus that Dani should remain as Wonderlands de facto leader and visionary. From my observations of the Discord channel and Twitter, the vast majority of people would prefer Dani continue in this role given his experience and expertise. If the vote to disband Wonderland was to pass then this proposal would effectively be null and void. However, if we vote to continue with Wonderland, then 5 days to assemble a management team would be unreasonable and probably unobtainable. We would probably fail by default anyway and have to dissolve Wonderland. I think that the majority of people do not want this to happen. Thus reinstating Dani as our leader would give us continuity and the reassurance that Wonderland would probably survive and be profitable, and that the losses that many of us have sustained can be recovered. The aim of this proposal is to show support for Dani and to request that he considers deeply staying on. We as a group can express our desire to keep Dani, in the very least as an adviser, in this proposal, and when we vote down WIP#4. Frogs Unite!


WIP#4 is absolute bull.

It only benefits the whales that are currently buying up the MC for pennies, and leaves all the long term holders at an involuntary loss.


Anyway to list options / scenarios with a vote? might help to see sentiment at a quick glance.

Tried to look for that option - not found it yet but will continue as I think it will be 99% to retain Dani and it might give him some incentive to stay and save this project.

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We want Dani!
Vote NO to WIP#4!


Snapshot vote should be backdated we can’t let the whales and arb traders fuck us.

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Let’s convince Dani to STAY! He’s the man behind all this and the visionary. We can rebuild/rebrand and go forward.

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Yes, reinstate Dani as the leader. He is the voice for frog nation and he is the reason we are all here together. Now that frog nation exists, it’s only right that he leads us through this. No matter how challenging it gets. Frogs help fellow frogs. Together we stronk.

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Agreed, our best option is to have Danny remain in charge of Wonderland. It was his vision, knowledge and efforts that made Wonderland a 1 Billion dollar success. Wonderland still has enough assets to climb back out of this hole. We need Danny at the helm, and a management team to assist him.

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are you hodling for new management? If its a buyout, how much would we get back out of 100 put in?

FELLOW FROGS! I know I may only be a small small part of Wonderland but Dani HAS a proven track record and is only human. A man who to a fault sees the best and good in people AND things. He has a vision and it takes time especially when bumps happen. Didn’t those who got in understand it was a long term investment? What changed? A hype and cash sunami and now it was a different goal when invested? No. To sell now only realizes those losses and let’s others gain from ALL of our suffering. I say we hunker down, allow Danielle to grow his vision and weather the storm give ourselves a chance! DONT GIVE UP! It’s moments and events like this that can create and define opportunity to be something great. Imagine what the crypto world and finance world will be saying wen WE are back to balling in earnings again?! They all are saying WE are done it’s failed its over… LETS SHOW THEM OTHERWISE! And take over DeFi! I vote no to selling, AND yes to Danielle and his team! Thank you all my Wonderland Family


Dani should certainly stay either long term or minimally to right the ship. New treasury management and communication team.


A buyout would occur at current backing. This is a big financial loss for most holders. It would only benefit the whales who’s attacks caused this mess.


Also, how can we so suddenly be a “true DAO” and be thrown into these discussions and decision-making? I’m all for being a DAO, but there needs to be a transition period in which we build up structure and assign roles… We need time to come up with a plan and allow things to calm down.

Nope, thank you. He is a smart person with an ability to aggregate people, but this whole situation has been managed very poorly. Let us please start clean if we go ahead.

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