AUDIT the Treasury - Paladin Audit Halted?

All these debates and proposals could be moot. Let’s audit the Treasury and see where we are.


Very concerning to read audit has been halted, because Paladin was unable to get response from wonderland.

Especially now that we hear Danny and “team” no longer wish to work on WL. Makes you wonder…

To clarify. This was a smart contract audit, not a treasury audit.

Rest of the facts remain unchanged.

Do we know why the team did not respond to their request for add’l info?

Checked with Paladin, they’ve been waiting for a while for the resolutions to their findings.

Only thing i could find in discord, Sifu on jan 8th:

“Audit review was completed a long time ago, no crucial issues to worry about. Devs are working on a long list of informational changes which should be complete soon, can publish audit at that time.”

What @LarryFisherman is what we were told as far as I know. With everything that happen, they probably didn’t bother after a bit.

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