Authorize and encourage Dani to front-run the protocol

Authorize and encourage Dani to freely buy Wmemo

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  • Option A - Authorize and encourage Dani to purchase Wmemo
  • Option B - Discourage Dani from “front-running” the protocol

Some people blame Dani for WL’s current situation. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I personally think if we blame him for all the bad than we need to give him credit for all the good. Our treasury is a force to be reckoned with and our community has demonstrated to be unstoppable. I want Dani to remain emotionally, and financially invested in Wonderlands success, and I’m curious to know if other Frog’s agree.

Dani has mentioned on a number of occasions his reservation of additional personal investments in Wmemo while it’s trading under backing due to criticism of him “front-running” his own protocol. Those who wanted to purchase Wmemo during these uncertain times have had a number of days to get involved, and at this point we need all the long-term HODLRS that we can find. Also, Dani’s personal investment would be unlikely to dramatically increase the price of Wmemo, but his vision inspires our community and his influence impacts broader price action.

There’s currently a lot of discussion around ‘rage quitting’ but a solution that is more ideal across the board is if the protocol starts trading atleast equal to it’s treasury backing. This gives rage-quitters the exit they’ve been fighting for and gives the rest of us Frogs more confidence that we can turn this ship around.

This proposal is to encourage the Frog community to openly acknowledge and encourage Dani to freely invest in the WL protocol (before, during, and after the prospect of additional buybacks).

I want Dani to continue to help lead us into our uncertain future and I want him to be able to benefit from the community that he continues to inspire…


Sure knock yourself out

Personally I say let’s just focus on the rage quitting. Let’s get that over with. Just my personal opinion but I think this should be removed until then. I’m not being an ass or anything.

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Rage quitting wont happen. The votes isnt their, besides price is rising. Not being a prick but anyone that rage quits is selling themselves short like the people who dumped ATL on the sifu news (they are regretting that now)

that’s true but personnally I support rage quit so that anybody who FUD after that (rage quit event) we can just say to their face “eh, if you are being so negative… why did you not rage quit?”.

Discourage Dani from “front-running” the protocol

Dani can buy wMEMO as long as there is a lock on his purchase. If not, he can pump and dump anytime with his massive buying power.

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