Bastion Trading/Skyhopper + Management Committee

What Wonderland needs is a professional management and governance structure.

It’s become very evident over these past months that there hasn’t been a well thought out structured plan for growth. Rather it has been haphazard, opportunistic and reactionary. All of which drags even the an organisations towards insolvency and eventual oblivion.

Whilst I support the proposal brought by Bastion/SkyHopper, we need more than just treasury management. This “business”, which it is by virtue of a $800m treasury and VC/Banking aspirations, needs a professional management committee and CEO/GM. Without this structure we will never be able to execute on any plans. Without this we will never have clear alignment of goals and of purpose.

I know most in the Frog Nation abhor suits…but these suits are put in place for a purpose. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, that key milestones are met, that we have enough funds to do what we need to do, that communication flows to all stakeholders and most importantly that the vision and goals are achieved when we say we’re going to achieve them. Without all this, even the best of companies fail.

What I propose :

  • We stop the Wind-down Proposal and/or change the voting mechanism
  • Reclaim our project and treasury.
  • Appoint a professional Management Committee.
  • Appoint a GM or CEO - Dani to stay on as CSO or CTO & Director.
  • The Committee and CEO/GM to work with Daniele and the team to put in place proper business fundamentals and framework.
  • Create a short-term and long-tail Strategic Plan - allow stakeholders a say and vote.
  • Commence with regular and transparent communications with all stakeholders
  • Prime and execute for scalable growth and max profit.

Why am I so passionate and optimistic about the future of Wonderland?
Because I’ve seen it grow from nothing to a thriving community armed with one of the largest treasuries in DeFI.
Because I believe in the vision and mission of the Frog Nation.
Because I want all of us to unite and do all we can to not just survive this but to thrive for years to come.
And…because I really want this project to reach the potential that it deserves.

For context:
I am currently the CEO for a global health and wellbeing company in Australia. Having gained most of my professional experience in Insolvency and Corporate Turnaround, I’ve worked with small to large, privately owned and listed public companies. Since 2017, I have been consulting in the area of innovation; specifically blockchain, tokenisation within fintech, agtech and climate tech and tokenomics and governance.
I am also a Board Member of 2 x Not-For-Profit and a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Thank you.


I agree. Wonderland is a company that has $800m USD in it treasury. At this stage, these funds are more important than the token price. Token prices will rise and fall and rise again. A well managed and invested treasury will lead to financial growth, which in turn, will lead to more interest and investment in Wonderland. This will make everyone’s investment in Wonderland more valuable.

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Definitely! Dani and the team need to realise how much responsibility that comes with what they’ve built and the size of the Treasury. Their proposal feels like such a cop-out - an easy way out for them. They need to get out of the Dev Startup mindset and get into actual enterprise mode.
Far too many project teams think small or don’t think long term at all. The more this keeps happening, the slower we get towards mass adoption.

Run it like a business that it is.
They owe it to all of us who have supported their vision from Day 1 and beyond. Abdication is not an option here. Taking responsibility and being accountable for what they’ve created will allow us the best case to level up

its got to be a set up if they cannot see the backing and potential in the people RIGHT NOW!

There is literally more structure banging on the door WILLING TO HELP than the projects ever had to begin with … what are they smoking in wonderland OMG

i have to say this is the easy way not the right way … that’s why it doesn’t make sense to cut and run now …

unless is was a rehearsed whale attack likely an inhouse creation by again M.Paytron or sifu…!!!
now thats not out of the question as possibility . i have zero proof and this is just my opinion based on emotion . but it does connect the dots …

Agree. Dani and team need to tap into the community and allow us to help them.
Feels like they are throwing the towel in too early because is the “cleanest way” forward…whatever that means.
I’m part of some long standing DAO’s and we’ve been able to make it work for the benefit of the community. If others can push ahead, why not Wonderland??
We should not allow one setback / speedhump ruin its true potential.

Dani and Team…Listen to your stakeholders and let’s get a working group together. N


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