Bottlecapman#3619 for Treasury Manager

Everyday, we check treasury: same value :frowning:

The solution to Wonderland not going to the trashbin is a true fellow degenerate who can 50x our treasury.

Bottlecapman is a broke, college dropout who has years of positive experience in managing money. He was able to turn his 2k into 50k… and then back to less than $500 very easily.
Some of his notable skills:

  • Likes cats
  • Bad at math (failed math twice)
  • Good with english
  • Family experience with gambling, high-risk bets, and alcohol
  • Favorite Drink: Steel Reserve Beers
  • Isn’t a huge weeb

Here are some of the possible strategies he will use to get us back to the glory days:

  • Betting the entire treasury on black in roulette
  • Degenerate Options Trading (wsb advice)
  • Getting Tolis21 a Honda Civic (business expense)

In conclusion, bottlecap is exactly the person we need. A degenerate needs to manage degenerates monies.

  • no

0 voters

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Appreciate the laugh…

I vote for him if he gets me a 2022 Civic Type-R, too. Business expense of course. :joy:


Makes more sense then some of the other proposals.

makes far better sense, double or quits. At least we were not robbed by the whales

I’m for it. Will they really let us bet that much?

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