Business model change proposal

Since we already went through the toughest part of a project, the start, I don’t think the project should be dropped. 1bi(former) treasury and an active and trustable community. That being said, there’s a few things I think should be done to move into a better place:

  1. Immediate remove Sifu from position, and a public annoucement from Dani AND Wonderland to issue the problems, what’s being done, etc
  2. Make a public voting, with 5 to 10 options, to a new treasurer.
  3. Increase the team. Social media, investment researcher, etc. ALL THE TEAM NEED TO BE PUBLIC. SOCIAL SECURITY AND SHIT.
  4. Rebrand Wonderland. Brighter colors? Something to move away from the old problems and APY image.
  5. Completely move into profit share model:

No more staking, only wMemo circulating
Create a “lock token” option, to enable profit shares. Fewer tokens on circulation, chances of prices rising(if the project is good, ofc)
With more locked tokens, CEX exchange becomes viable
Share the profits via stables(maybe, initially, it can be made through the treasury Memo, dont know)
2/3 shared, 1/3 reinvested

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