Buy a McDonald's establishment

There is a lot of talk about a bear market and McDonald’s memes going around.
One headline capturing action to take with the treasury is the buying of a McDonald’s establishment in which all $TIME holders (with some restrictions) can work for (Dani himself talked something similar, buying a game studio). Not only would this generate headlines, but it could be a important step for the treasury to step out of the crypto world and into a physical asset/non-crypto world.


Fun proposal, but Mcdonalds is too corporate. Open Wonderland drive through! j/k. kind of.

Completely agree something like this will boost our exposure to the public. I’m all for proposals like this.


We could buy the branding on a popular music venue…

Wonderland Music Hall or Wonderland Venue?

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They don’t let you buy. You rent their stores and buy their products from them to sell to the general public exactly like they say. McDonald’s is a real estate company. Not a burger company. Even the founder of McDonald’s says this

I can already imagine the headline “Crypto frogs turns to McDonald in sight of Bear Market” lol
Would definitely get a lot of :eyes: and attention from the fudders.

Maybe we can partner with Mr. Beast from Youtube. He has his own burger chain. The marketing will be amazing haha


Dani said that he was joking about the McDonalds on Frog Radio podcast but also said “lets run the numbers”. Its totally possible but we need some businessman to formalize the prospect, because of legal matters, and so on.

I’m really down to it bc there was this topic on CT about real profits, don’t recall exactly the arguing, but essentially if keep up with this ventures, which is intended to be, Wonderland would among few projects with actual stream from real things.

But who is capable of running those projections and formalize this proposal?

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like ive said before, mcdonalds doesnt really sell their franchieses. you rent the store and you buy their burgers and do it exactly their way.