Buying TIME questions

Hi folks

I would like to make sure that I don’t make a misstep in buying TIME. Right now, my money is on binance.

I was thinking of a couple of options, and I want to make sure I don’t end up withdrawing/buying in a place where I can’t stake.

It looks like I can buy on If I move my money to, say in USDT transfer, once I have TIME can I withdraw it to my wallet and stake it OK? Or is it stuck in

Second option, what can I withdraw to my wallet from binance to buy TIME with the fewest swaps? Can I withdraw my USDT from Binance onto Avalanche-C and then swap them for TIME on trader joe? Or do I need to switch to AVAX to withdraw to the Avalanche chain?

Third option, most interesting to me, If I want to MINT to get a sweet discount, I would need to swap AVAX, USDT, or whatever in my wallet, to get MIM so that I can get the current 7.23% discount. Do I need to be careful about anything to avoid losing a lot of money in the exchanges AVAX->MIM etc? Just use high gas and set slippage to 0.1%?

Is the price generally at it’s lowest at the point of rebasing?

For the first part I would like to informe you that I have done the steps from binance to wonderland easily. What I did is I bought avax with usdt from Binance, transfer it to my metamask wallet, went to trader joe swap avax with time and boom everything went well and my time balance showed in WL. after that you need to approve tha transaction for you to stake your time then you can stake easily. For the fees it wasn’t that much.
Second Part “no knowledge”.

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