Cancel Vote: "Make landing page more friendly and less scary"


The current on-going vote titled “Make landing page more friendly and less scary” seems to be more counterproductive than the opposite, and deviates from the creator’s vision.
I propose it should be canceled.

I am all for democracy and for power to the People, but in a coordinated and thoughtful way.

Wonderland is not called Wonderland for no reason. It’s part of the whole Abracadabra ecosystem.
The theme here is obviously magic, fantasy ect. and thus the Alice in Wonderland branding for TIME.
Daniele has clearly put a lot of thought and imagination into creating Wonderland.
The current branding fits to the Magic branding of Abracadabra.
Daniele is a creative genius, I really suggest let him have the final World on branding, otherwise we will only hinder his vision, like politician trying to regulate crypto.

The Right Match
Furthermore, investing in traditional assets can be a scary journey, and investing in unexplored territory such as crypto is an even scarier endeavor.
With this said, if a cat on a landing page scares you away from investing in a project, then you probably shouldn’t.
What I want to say, is that we should not try to force or convince people to join Wonderland or the Abracadabra universe, it should happen organically. This process will help filter out the people who just aren’t made for it, which is totally fine.
We are not Amazon trying acquire new customers left and right.



I agree with this take im sorry i cant add more :smiley: i just agree with everything you just said


Thanks for reading mate.

Agree that we should stick with the theme.

Don’t agree that we shouldn’t make things more “retail friendly” because crypto is scary and if you can’t take it then too bad. The complexity of the crypto world is a huge disadvantage. Changing things to make the experience better/easier/less scary is a win for everyone involved.

PS: I tihnk the cat is cool, not scary. It was definitely a plus in my book. In fact, it’s the only part of the website that I actually like lol…

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Yea, I think a better to approach would be for Dani/Sifu to submit 2-3 proposals to us, the community, to vote on. When it comes to branding.
As such they can still follow their vision and we have a say.

Just taking down the cat is too hasty, what comes after it’s down? lol

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I totally agree with you!

Daniele and his team must have put a great thought into the wonderland landing page, i guess they have a good reason for using the scary theme! my saying is" IN OTHER TO GET TO HEAVEN, YOU MUST GO THROUGH HELL". so you must go through the scary page in other to grow your wealth :grinning:

i just noticed that there is a vote going on snapshot, but so far the discusion is still pending here in the forum, so wtf is this?

Vote in snapshot was done prior to the forum being up. That’s why this discussion is title “cancel vote”.

Exactly the discussion on branding needs to happen before such radical change.

Daniele spoke about rewarding his strong hands (his initial investors… us), and this comment reminded me of the cat. It’s almost like he purposefully selected scary images as part of his branding. Have you see the clown?

Maybe we should leave the theme and marketing in his hands.

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I was shocked to see that the vote to change the branding was up so much for it. This is insane. The dark/evil theme is LEGIT. Imagine this dark underground fantasy world in a metaverse game. So much better than smiling pink cats and fluffy clouds. Are you kidding me.

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I am in agreement with this thought. Last thing I want is to attract “bright sky and rainbow” investors who might panic sell.