CHANGE VOTE COUNTING TO QUADRATIC: 5 whales are ruling the closure over hundreds of thousands of frogs

Well please what do you suggest we do??

We’ve already voted to retain a billion dollar treasury, which means we’re in business whether you think we are or not.

So what do you suggest we do?

Breathe, and try again.

Whilst I see you’re logic that’s following a parliamentary method. Politics is just as corrupt, it’s time people start to realise the rich rule the world. Rich people make other rich people richer while the general population fund the way.

To be quite honest, legal action.

Breath yes good idea.

Try again in what way? What happens to the billion dollars?

I honestly think you’re in a bargaining stage of greif. Dani has all the power. I am genuninely sorry for the pain we’re both in.

Yes is something that should be looked at.

what actions do you see as potentially criminal?

Legal action will get us nowhere long run. It’ll publicise the dangers of crytpo, It’ll highlight other criminals running things and ultimately bring mass hard regulation in. Watch the whole market get wiped out hust because of bad press on a global scale.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place…

Apart from stealing money…

also it will be difficult to establish a jurisdiction potentially.

and in the end, what crime has occurred??

Honestly, if this was a normal business it would a cut and dry case.

We bought a product (they like to call it a product themselves in the whitepaper) that promised X.

It didn’t do X. It Y, then Z then A.

There was never a single airdrop. It was promised many times. There is far more.

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If people want to take legal action then maybe invest in the stock market if using a corrupt legal system is how you conduct business.

The shady goings on. Lost the link to sifus money moving but they were both at it. Fully agree in a normal sense it’s clear cut

Stock market has never burned me as much as this. Suits and my government have never burned me as much as this.


Fully agreed. The joys of regulation at times. I cane to crytpo in September with 10 years of trading to my name. Never have i lost 90% on anything. Speaks volumes really


may have lost 90% of the value of the governance token, but you still own a portion of the treasury and all the proceeds that come from it, so stick it out and see what happens.


There is that… still holding :rofl:


MISLEADING AND POLITICAL LIES FOR GAINES …its not the words …its their actions …it says everything about them …if they cannot keep their word as men ,then what good are they managing our billion dollar treasury that we as investors built up ,


Holding memo/wmemo is just a way of seeing how many different ways you can get fucked.