CHANGE VOTE COUNTING TO QUADRATIC: 5 whales are ruling the closure over hundreds of thousands of frogs

The only problem with this is… what’s to stop you creating loads of wallets and spreading your holdings across them?


If you can be arsed looking through the transactions… trails are there.

I agree … and wonderland must not stop, a fantastic project cannot stop and cannot decide who just wants to speculate about it

This snapshot should have 1 person count as 1 person, we’re voting by heads, not wealth.

Let the majority decide.


this guy gets it pretty good … i think hes right …theres no vote …

How does this make it to snapshot from here?
Oh, right, the whales will vote it down.
What is the process?
New to voting and discord.
I wish there was a time stamp for all revenue and the voting.
Not fair that those buying the crash can profit while we all take a huge loss.

Wallets are easily creatable and coins are infinitely divisible. This just gives the whales extra work but more power unless there is some kind of floor for qualifying. Still…

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Please have a look at this proposal WIP#5 TWA Voting System

exactly. would be a lot of work voting on thousands of addresses, but could still be done.

at the end of the day, with no personal identification, this is always gonna be a problem for a DAO

Off course the vote must be linked to the holdings!

Anyone else who does’t even have a token can express a useless “vote” just simply to leave the rest to get eaten!


I propose a 2 stage governance process. A ‘commons’ vote, and a ‘lords’ vote. The commons vote will take place on the forum, and will be 1 frog 1 vote. The lords vote will take place on snapshot and will be weighted by holdings. Both must pass, this will ensure that both small frogs and whales are represented and nothing can pass that doesn’t have mutual agreement. In order for this to work we do need the forum to consist of verified holders only.

Based on holdings AND amount of time held! WIP#5 TWA Voting System

I have some sympathy for a whale who would like to exit an investment that dates back to early Oct. I would be open to some mechanism for them for some partial redemption over a delayed period so as not to imbalance the treasury as long as they weren’t part of the leverage play that started this saga.

I have no sympathy for any whales that accumulated substantial positions over the last week or two hoping to acquire the treasury assets.

Having said that, anyone who wants to leave Wonderland can do so at any time. Just sell your wMemo on Sushi Swap.

Agreed. It seems the only way to avoid this kind of exploitative is through KYC. And that’s not gonna go down well.

I’m not saying the things you say are wrong, but with all due respect, do you EVER have something constructive to contribute?

I agree– let’s change voting structure!

This would still allow whales to end every vote propose by frogs if they like.

This can’t be salvaged, there’s nothing to be constructive about. It’s also not a DAO, as evidenced by Dani wanting to wind down despite the vote, and dani switching to revenue share and deleting “TIME” without a vote. So what is there to be constructive about? None of us have any power.

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