CHANGE VOTE COUNTING TO QUADRATIC: 5 whales are ruling the closure over hundreds of thousands of frogs

the community fails to understand they are in a bubble and wonderland is radioactive to people outside the community. There best bet is to grab there funds and rebrand and start a new dao from the ground up. The community still has value…just not under wonderland

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I definitely don’t mean to sound like a patronising bellend.
I’ve been in a bubble of disbelief, I’ve taken many high risk investments and come out on top. Some have typically failed with duration but none have done what this has done.
I’m deep in the hole but some have rekt themselves with this and its a shame.

do you have a link to you mates yt video.

They knew how much money could be made from liquidation, was just trying to find the yt video just now.

I do think the sale proposal along with the all of sudden with price drop is suspicious. In finance that could be considered insider trading

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Actually TJR that was going to be along the lines of my next question. Are we accusing management of stealing and rug pooling…or insider trading…cause them seem like very different beasts

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Thats an avax address of his. If you download the csv no doubt it was active while they were both sleeping.
My mate just sent me that. He says he’s watched that much yt on it that he’s unsure but he’ll find it going through the videos.

He has loads of wallets but once you start following movements you see trends till it hits a tumbler.

Edit to add. This was all posted by mate on discord. He was banned instantly

@ragingbull99 thats a good question. I think a full audit is required and everyone who is in a position of power needs to be made public. Full disclosure is required for the management.

The proposal to sell came during the price drop, instead of proposing to try stop the cascading liquidation affect becomes more suspicious.

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it take it this is your mates avax transaction on the 29th…0x74b788b061a3fd69e0e2cf5f908564e53b3899fbc5f12cebc9bdd69240b8bb7f

I’ll find out… if I dont get back to you straight away it’s cause he’ll be busy with patients/work…
I’ve been in Time since October but only got into crytpo in September so I’m definitely a noob. But he’s been in the game about 6 years so knows a bit more.

Prior to that my investment knowledge is in the stock market hence the knowledge on inside trading.

yeah…no rush. Not like things are moving quickly anyway.

Very true… hate sounding like a fudder. I mean I could of sold out and made a permanent loss but that deep in now I may as well be part of one of the biggest crytpo scandals potentially ever.

You know when you watched alice in wonderland as a kid… never thought for a second I’d be venturing down a block chain equivalent of the rabbit hole.

This guy makes some good points and it does seem very strange what they are doing

Accurate and I agree completely …

Still waiting on a reply but this recent video also mentions the transfers spotted by someone on twitter.

I have no social media myself so its like living in the past at times.

He makes some inaccurate points. “none of that bothered me” then continues to bitch

HI, for this vote, only people who holds for more than 2 weeks should have the right to vote, it’s a simple way to avoid manipulations.

The problem is these VC come in and buy on the cheap. It doesnt matter if they hold for two weeks. One person can outvote 10,000 people. That is the issue

Accurate and I agree completely …

I think we shall vote based on our investment! I don’t care if someone put 1$! definitely this person should not count as someone invested 15ETH simply it doesn’t have the necessary involvement. We risk to lose votes!