CHANGE VOTE COUNTING TO QUADRATIC: 5 whales are ruling the closure over hundreds of thousands of frogs

Currently it seems that NO is winning. We little frog’s were hungry and ate this whales


So someone with $5 of time has the same weighing as someone as $500,000?

Hard no. That’s not how the tokenomics have ever been set to work, no work on any shareholder situation

Agree .this is the crypto world
.Not a bank

Doesn’t matter, vote is rigged to continue. You all asked for it, now you got it. And a continuously tanking price along with it. Bunch of sheep begging to be slaughtered. You’ve all been played. Right into their hands. But, they have never had any intention of closing it down regardless. Give 720m back? Lol. Not going to happen.

I hope this doesn’t wind down. If others want to leave they are free to but we should be allowed to continue. Please go out and vote no !

CaptainDucko wrote:
“But all Dani’s said has been repay liquidations below him. That’s it.”

What does that mean exactly Captain?

why being so angry ?

dani promised time wouldnt fall below a certain price. So people leveraged based on the promise of a floor price. Price fell below floor price. People who leveraged based on that floor price lost everything. Dani said sorry and promised to pay everyone who got liquidated…based on a a certain leveraged position that was less than his(he himself got liquidated…in his own protocol)
Dont take this as the definitive meaning…its just what i assume he meant

Why is sifu voting and why is he allowed…

why isint he allowed

Don’t be so naive… His liquidation was a cover for the inside trading. ‘Oh look… even Dani lost his money, must be legit’

you have proof of this?

One of the inside traders… talk about manipulation of the market. A leopard doesn’t change its spots…

Fml… if you think it was an external manipulation you really need to go look at all the transactions. Dani ‘asleep’ while shits going down… my god…

Rather than a proper rug pull… It’s like slowly pulling the carpet from under you’re feet.

can you point me to said transactions?

Thanks, ragingbull99 for the explanation.

I never leverage with third party money as I consider it too risky. But if this project does close down, I think that long time holders of TIME and MEMO should also be compensated, not just wMEMO holders. I have never understood that trajectory and I also never got wMEMO because it was not properly explained. Communications were are still are appalling.

i think time memo and wmemo all fall into the same category in terms of reimbursement.

One of the wallet addresses found on google was linked to sifu through tx.
At the time of the crash and them being asleep the wallets were active. My mate sent some avax to a wallet thats got links to sifu and followed it. It bounced to a couple of accounts and then hit a tumbler… Genuinely was shocked but not shocked now knowing sifu’s identity. Sifu was tracked with his wallets hence how he was identified.

I do want wonderland to succeed. Just can’t see it. The name’s been tarnished

ok. A tumbr account by the financial manager. Not absolute proof…but defintelty understand the rug pool accusation now.Your the first person to mention the tumblr account by the way…and ive been following this saga for 3 days now. Do you reckon he was automating the transfers between accounts?

Just messaged said mate. One of the recent yt video uploads also picks up on sifu’s wallet and the dodgy transactions. He’s gonna look but like many he’s over saturated with info on this whole shit storm. My heads fried… I believed in the project but invested in Dani…