CHANGE VOTE COUNTING TO QUADRATIC: 5 whales are ruling the closure over hundreds of thousands of frogs

This right here could be the tweak to fix the entire problem and problems …

All frogs Equals
1 wallet gets 1 vote .

The current method is 5 wallets are
making your business a scam and worse

your reputation is not the best it can be ,

more than a few farmers upset for more than a few good reasons

and the obtuse outlook going forward ….

Here in discord some where .

I wholeheartedly support this. We cannot be brought down by whales when this project was meant to free/uncouple us from the 1%

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I totally agree, f*** the whales!!

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boyz we can do it i swear !
look at mcc project …
we can make nodes …
10% on buy and sell
we can make a huge project with this treasury … its so easy … wen the markt up … we will win all …
we need time !!!
dont listen to fud and hud …
dont look to stupid whales !
lets go for it


That whale bought 2 million in WMEMO yesterday. This will be known as the dumbest takeover of a DAO in history. Whales dump WMEMO, then buy at 18000$, the treasury is worth 35,000 per WMEMO, vote a snapshot to close the project, and the team doesn’t want to work anymore with the DAO.

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Is it possible that if this went ahead then the whales could create ‘frogs’ by sending wMEMO to thousands of new wallets to vote? When money is at stake, wouldn’t be surprised if they might even offer bribes to frogs in a similar manner to curve wars.

Best we set ground rules quick - snapshot taken early rather than later to not allow more creative manipulation with new voting rules.

Here’s the thing, even this whale-vulnerable voting system is proving how short sighted and not a genius Dani is. Your vote should be based on how long you’ve held the token, not how much you have. But that would mean using an in-house voting system instead of using snapshot, and I think creating such a voting system is beyond Dani Boy’s abilities. He’s not a genius. He doesn’t even code.

So how can we stop this beside casting vote?

Dumbest takeover of a DAO ever, but kind of proves the DAO itself is dumb if it’s vulnerable to this. Dani is not a visionary. He used his charisma to amass a huge treasury, and now his charisma is gone.

totally ! frogs must unite !

One hundred percent agreed, changed vote counting to quadratic :fist:

One Wallet One Vote is the problem. The Power of a few is more than the mass voting all together is a scam. we have no vote, its overlooked by this method currently being used.

We should vote to make voting equal for everyone not the few who have all the Tokens or money. It sounds more like monopoly on the system to me.

One Wallet One Vote is the problem. The Power of a few is more than the mass voting all together is a scam. we have no vote, its overlooked by this method currently being used.

We should vote to make voting equal for everyone not the few who have all the Tokens or money. It sounds more like monopoly on the system in my opinion .

One Wallet One Vote is the problem. The Power of a few is more than the mass voting all together is a scam. we have no vote, its overlooked by this method currently being used.

We should vote to make voting equal for everyone not the few who have all the Tokens or money. It sounds more like monopoly on the system is how i see it

Agreed, this is terrible. Rectify this and make one vote per person. Voting with amount held is NOT democratic

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If voting power is based on the root of our average MEMO held over the last month it should prevent whale manipulation.

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Please read. Voting power should be based on the root of our average MEMO held over the last month to reduce manipulation.

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You Tubers are reporting on this manipulation as well. Found out about it today.
Voted ‘NO’, and I only have 1.7 worth of MEMO that I wraped way before the shit show. Im not rich, but at least I know the Wonderland vision beyond the drama.
Count me in.


Dani and Team…retract this proposal! We are now only 3.6% between YEs and No.
Listen to your Frog Nation and change the voting mechanism to Quadratic. Make if right. Make it fair.



yea dude, Dani wanted it this way in his last AMA response. Im down like 70% but this is a
no brainer if we want it to be equal and fair.
ONe person, One Vote. Call it a day.