CHANGE VOTE COUNTING TO QUADRATIC: 5 whales are ruling the closure over hundreds of thousands of frogs

You know, I would still prefer this because at least they would have to work for it.

Whales who bought in the last 72 hours should get their money back at the price they bought.

Not funding price.

Real frogs want the project to continue.


Agree the voting should not be skewed to largest holders on this matter.

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What’s stopping whales splitting their funds amongst a million wallets and automating the vote. That could easily be done, most programmers are far more competent than the clowns running Wonderland who couldn’t even manage an airdrop.

SIGNED :+1: :up:

1 head = 1 vote.

Most people panic sold this to below 20k of backing. I don’t trust most people I want my money back and anyone can buy more now at this price well below backing to recoup some earlier losses

Seems like the current top 3 voters, the whales deciding to shut down the nation, eating everyone’s money just bought few days ago to do arbitrage. Unreal. We can’t allow this.
Almost 80% of voters (quadratic) wants Wonderland to continue, of course. They’re stealing it.
Here the transactions of whales:

@0xWicked if this project is TRULY about the frogs, this change must be made. I also believe everyone should mobilize and spread the work about WHY they should vote no for these reasons.

I believe it is in the best interest of all Wonderland investors to vote NO on this proposal for several reasons. The vote is live for less than 48 hours.

I see a lot of people confused about “getting my full money back”. The answer is NO, this will NOT do that for you. The ONLY way to get your initial investment back is vote NO for this and let the treasury be managed to create revenue like it was meant to!!!

  1. The “backing price” is not a true number of payout you would receive in this instance. The backing price includes the LP’s for TIME and wMEMO. You have to exclude the TIME/wMEMO values from the treasury. This results in a MUCH lower value for payout. Why would they not already give the information in the proposal of price/MEMO to refund? Because they know its a shit number and less people would vote for it.
  2. You have people within the community that want to work to make this treasury valuable. Don’t vote to cashout when the MARKET itself and all of the assets within the treasury are at ALL TIME LOWS. They structured this dump force you into selling.

3) This proposal does not mention resolution anything about the existing commitments/investments the project has made in BSGG, Across the Ages, or the AVAX Liquidstaking platform.

  1. If you look at sifu.eth’s address the guy BOUGHT wMEMO at the lows after his news came out! A lot of it! You really want to pay him out again?? Also, his wallet needs to be EXCLUDED from the snapshot.

5) There hasn’t been a third party audit of the treasury- voting for a quick exit because you’re sad about losses doesn’t help you or I regain any of those losses or even fully understand what they are, and possibly bones us even harder. The treasury went from almost 1 Billion to ~700 Million in a matter of days. All of that loss can’t be due to the drop in wMEMO price if our treasury is doing all of these awesome revenue-generating things right? But we don’t know because we don’t have an audit!

  1. This proposal gives a snapshot date of NOW. Why now instead of before the cascades or even the Sifu doxxing (revealing of identity)? I don’t like this parameter at all. Whales can buy up wmemo on the market and then get a free profit.

These are the bare-minimum reasons why I believe EVERY person should vote NO

The absolute first next step forward (and the only one that should have been taken in lieu of the damn buybacks) is to pull the wMEMO LPs from Sushiswap. This is what makes OHM and it’s forks unique, we OWN our own liquidity, we can effectively vote to stop trading by just pulling it. That should be the absolute next step forward, during any of this. Allowing the LP to still speculatively trade while this announcement was publicly made was still complete negligence.

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Will the whales open thousands of wallet and then come vote against us again? Only long-term holders’ vote should be counted!!

agreed , and 100% true
one fraud shoudn’t bring down (frog) Nation

Every holder of wonderland should have their vote counted, regardless of how much they hold.
I vote NO


Or we all will wake up financially broken and will forget our hopes and dreams we all had when we entered this project and instead focus on being angry about the hardships we’ve had to endure. The only way to get our money back is to say NO to this. We go from there





Hi, I sent my wmemo to a time address which wasnt blocked, Dani replied on 21/01 on Twitter and said it was being looked into with the burn to refund cases “we wont let you dry ser” but it has not been resolved yet…here is the transaction details,
txd hash - 0x2340c1c2a3c23ec883a6c5fd0c34981771e216b253102804dcff9d796cdae059

thank you.

pay-out CAN NOT be based on amount of TIME held. Long term holder (loyal frog) bought at price between 100K$ and last at 50K$. Unaetical wales/holders, just bought recently at discount price…

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Yes, I agree let us decide not the whales!!!

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Totally agree. We cant lrt this BS go through!!!

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I spent some time checking the votes

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Agree. The current snapshot vote is a joke, and these whales are just as bad as the scammers.


1m% !! Couldnt agree more

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