CHANGE VOTE COUNTING TO QUADRATIC: 5 whales are ruling the closure over hundreds of thousands of frogs

Does that take a snapshot of TIME at a date before you could vote ? for example If I have 10+ TIME but its registered 3.6 TIME

Brewlabs, might be a replacement to manage the time wonderland funds. They might be worth looking at?? Just a suggestion

Totally AGREE with this proposalā€¦shut down the oligarchy! frogs voice should be heard not whale sounds.


Fully agree, letā€™s play it fair.


Iā€™ve been posting all morning that the vote is not fair and should be 1 wallet = 1 vote. REDO THE VOTE only count wallets that held strong before the liquidation and over the backing price. these whales are trying to steal the treasury by getting in at 17k and voting yes so they get paid on backing at 36k

this needs to be done immediately. I fully agree

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I support this, please try to move forward this A.S.A.P.

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Yes. We need this!!!

agree! like comment and share get this out there!


Agreedā€¦give the frogs the power !

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Agreed as well, this is the only way this vote should be done. Itā€™s very clear the majority do not want to shut down wonderland, but the majority doesnā€™t have millions like the top 10 people.

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Agree, This is unfair for all frogs

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small frogs count double

I would even dare to say the smaller you are and the longer youā€™ve held the tokens, the more voting power you have.

I vote yes to change the proposal. I might not be a whale but noone likes to lose money even money that I put up for risky investments. I donā€™t want to give up on wonderland or itā€™s community. Letā€™s take this over and make it what we want it to be. I vote yes to change the proposal and I already voted no on closing down time.

#FrogNation, letā€™s Unite to take control of the treasury.
This vote is not fair when just 5 whale have in their hands + 50% of the Treasury.
All of us have to vote NO to prevent the whales from dismantling Wonderland.
1 person should count as 1 person no matter the number of accounts this same person could have:weā€™re voting by heads, not wealth.

we just need to take snapshot BEFORE sifu news, this way we exclude those whales who bought a couple day ago and will count real votes

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Fckā€¦in agree the proposal, guys we must do something against whales games. And then count the vote by head.

I agree, one vote per wallet is the only way to make this fair

you can vote with stacked memo