Control selling pressure of $TIME

The following proposal would require migration to upgraded smart contracts since it’s a major change to the original Olympus code.

The recent selling pressure has caused the price of $TIME to decrease significantly in a matter of days. One of the reasons for this is that these rebase tokens are highly inflationary, you put in X number of tokens and this amount multiplies over time.

Some investors withdrew their entire balance (initial deposit + rebase rewards), while others with leveraged positions were liquidated, losing once again their entire balance (initial deposit + rebase rewards). If the number of tokens that leave the DAO always exceeds the number of tokens initially deposited, we would continue to have more episodes of immense selling pressure, especially during periods of fear, uncertainty and doubt.

What if we put a limit on how much investors can withdraw in a single day?

At the time of writing this proposal, the reward yield is 0.5992%, and with three rebases in a day, the supply of $TIME for those staked should increase by approximately (0.5992% * 3) = 1.7976% today. Even though the tokens are staked and removed from the market, nothing prevents the unstaking of this new supply.

My proposal is to limit the withdrawal amount per day to three-fifths (0.6) of the amount of the daily staking rewards. So, if it’s currently at 1.7976%, investors should not be able to withdraw more than (1.7976 * 0.6) = 1.07856% per day. This limit should be applied to the entire current balance (initial deposit + rebase awards).

If we limit withdrawals to an amount that is lower than how much new $TIME is generated per day, this will give the protocol greater control over the amount of $TIME that gets dumped into the open market which unfortunately increases its supply and (drastically) reduces price.

Here is a simple table to illustrate the math. Let’s say an investor initially deposits 1 $TIME token, the staking rewards remain constant over a 5-day period and the investor makes a withdrawal on days 1 and 4.

Table 1

As you can see, the daily withdrawal limit in percentage is fixed and is lower than the daily staking rewards, which is good for limiting selling pressure. So, no matter how many investors withdraw in any single day, the DAO would always be able to conserve and protect a greater quantity of $TIME and help maintain its value.

You will also notice that the number of tokens you can withdraw increases every day, so the longer you wait to withdraw, the more tokens you can withdraw. You guys can extrapolate this data over longer time periods (a year or more) to really see this point.

This proposal can also help out in other areas:

• Emphasize the point that $TIME is a long-term investment to truly experience the power of compounding interest.
• Prevent rebase trading / side-stepping which goes against the essential 3,3 principle.
• Increase and maintain buying pressure: By controlling the selling pressure and leaving the doors of upside potential open (with attractive APYs, an awesome team and innovations), we can see faster periods of growth and shorter periods of decline/correction.

What do you guys think about this? $TIME Wonderland is a great project, but we need to find ways of controlling the inflationary nature of the tokens.

Nice idea:)

How long will it take if you once decided to withdraw all of your fund?

I’m totally into this project but bit worried what’s happening after this kind of liquidity regulation gets on…

Some people including me hates low liquidity so they will leave before this thing is applied.

No matter how good of a team you have you can’t limit someone’s freedom to move their money around. This would deter potential investors and would do more harm than good for the project. If TIME is really a good project, there will be many incentives to hold in the future.

If you are holding long term, short term price fluctuation shouldn’t matter.

  • APY and the rebase model is enough to let people know that TIME is a long term hold
  • Rebase trading has been addressed by the team many times on discord. It’s not profitable… People can side step all they want. It may not work every time and they assume that risk.
  • The growth has already be astronomical. Less than 6 months in and we’re already almost $3bn market cap. The project is doing well and continues to grow daily. Just give it some time and let the product speak for itself. Once these rug daos die off a lot more people will be looking at us.


How long will it take if you once decided to withdraw all of your fund?

We should collectively decide on a time period for the option to withdraw all funds via a vote. Personally speaking, I am okay with one year.

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No matter how good of a team you have you can’t limit someone’s freedom to move their money around. This would deter potential investors and would do more harm than good for the project.

I agree that it will limit people’s freedom, but limiting withdrawals is not a novel idea. Tomb Finance which is extremely successful has a lockup period for withdrawing Tshares. And I’ve invested in other protocols or platforms like Nexo where my funds have been locked up for over a year for greater incentives. If people follow the principle of only investing what they can afford to lose, then limiting withdrawals will not be a problem.

If you are holding long term, short term price fluctuation shouldn’t matter.

Completely agree with you, but in addition to the typical price fluctuations for financial assets, the longer you are in a rebase token protocol, the more dilution there is. This produces additional selling pressure when people cash out.

APY and the rebase model is enough to let people know that TIME is a long term hold

For me it is, but not for people who just want to make a quick buck or don’t fully understand compound interest.

Rebase trading has been addressed by the team many times on discord. It’s not profitable… People can side step all they want. It may not work every time and they assume that risk.

Completely agree again, but not everyone understands this and even up to last week, I had a friend who I put onto Wonderland tell me that he’s considering rebase trading because he saw a video on YouTube. All of $TIME investors are not in the discord…some just simply follow the information presented by YouTubers.

The growth has already be astronomical. Less than 6 months in and we’re already almost $3bn market cap. The project is doing well and continues to grow daily. Just give it some time and let the product speak for itself. Once these rug daos die off a lot more people will be looking at us.

If you got in from the beginning or very early weeks, then yes, the growth has been astronomical. Can you say the same for investors who got in around $7000 and upwards? Over time, the rebase rewards would eventually outpace the price decline, but when seeing their investment halved in a matter of days, some investors get scared and leave. With the proposal made, the selling pressure will be so limited, so that even if people get into the project late, we wouldn’t see such drastic price declines.

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Again, not a fan of limiting people’s freedom. You can’t have all the ups without the downs. It’s the natural maturation of the market. Preserving that freedom for everyone is more important than trying to force stability. Crypto is extremely volatile… defi 2.0 is months old. Lets prove that it works first before we try and lock up people’s money.

Yes dilution… That has been addressed by the team. There is a plan to move off of it once it becomes a problem.

Perhaps more education then… which is also in the works. More content to come in the coming weeks/months to educate newcomers.

If you blindly follow youtube advice you will lose money. That goes for every investment not just time and crypto. Not sure how restricting the freedom of others will help with that. It’s a lesson new investors will have to learn.

I can actually. I got in at $7-8k+ and in about a months time the price dropped 50% and I’m about break even. I can’t say the same if I was holding Btc, eth, etc. Not to mention the rate at which our treasury is growing.

Those feelings are normal to every new investors and they will need to learn to not make financial decisions based on emotions. That is what differentiates new investor from seasoned ones and it’s a lesson you need to teach yourself through your mistakes.

Also life happens… people lose jobs, medical emergency, devs abandoning projects/not meaning their goals etc. or maybe the goals changed and you’re no longer in support of the project or where it’s heading. Being able to move money around without restriction and penalty is an advantage to any ecosystem…

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Similar ideas have been discussed plenty on the forum.

What you are proposing would prevent people from ever cashing out. That’s such a big scam red flag for me. Give us all your money, but you’ll never be able to cash out more than what we give you. Yikes ? Imagine buying an asset, but you can never get rid of it afterward.

Such a hard no from me.

I actually don’t see anything ? Its all black and my theme is black ?

Concordo. Estou preocupado com a queda de preço do token. A cultura do DeFi deve melhorar. Acabar com as baleias e especulações.