[DAO Discussion] Call Letter - Operations Officer



With the recent Organizational Structure passing, an open call letter is being done to recruit the Operations Officer (OO).

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a long-standing member of the community who has demonstrated a continuous commitment and regular involvement over a period of at least three months.
  • Excellent communication skills (writing/oral)
  • Strong time-management skills and an ability to organize and coordinate multiple concurrent projects
  • Flexible team player, able to adapt to changes
  • Advanced DeFi knowledge
  • Ability to gather and summarize information from multiple sources

For more information on the responsibilities of OO, please refer to :

[WIP #28] - Wonderland Organizational Structure

How to apply

To apply for the OO position simply reply to this post indicating that you have the intention to run and start working on your application.

The call letter will be open until 2022-11-19T15:00:00Z (this displays in your local time).

*A full fledged application will only be required for the RFC stage once the call letter is over.

To facilitate the process and prevent unnecessary delays, applicants must stay up to date by interacting with the community when applicable and be reachable within 48h. Otherwise, the applicants may not be retained to move to the next stage.

Application Preparation

Applications for the RFC stage will have to include:

  1. Introduction with background & experience.
  2. Detailed explanation of how you meet each of the requirements mentioned above.
  3. Provide examples of how you would address each responsibility presented in the position’s description.
  4. Why should DAO members vote for you ?

Applications can be submitted as an “RFC” on the forum and will be reviewed by the team. If an application does not meet all of the requirements above, the applicant will be asked to modify their application.

There will be a deadline for a final version of the applications to be submitted. If the application still does not meet the requirements at that time, the applicant will not move forward in the process.

For transparency, applications that do not meet the requirements will be disclosed with the rationale of why they do not meet.

If you have any questions in regards to the process, please do not hesitate to reach out to @NalX on Discord or the forum.


I would like to announce my candidacy.


I have posted my application in the DAO


Thanks! Will note your application, but I’ll unlist the post for now so we launch them all together during the RFC stage and people get to ask questions then :slight_smile:

Throwing my hat in the ring 🫡


I would like to suggest the idea of a duel candidacy for the role. As I think Kingmaker and myself could compliment each other very well to fulfill the role and go above and beyond what is required.

I have been a long standing member of the community for almost a year now, and I have seen the current team grow from the roots.

I believe you and I together could do much more than fulfill the requirements.

As you are involved in multiple projects I see this as both a benefit and point of conflict for many members of the Dao, for instance how will you find the time to dedicate your time to a multitude of teams without support?

I see myself as someone who is perfect for the role as well, but I do believe your sphere of influence is greater than mine.

Ultimately I would like to suggest to you the idea of a duel candidacy in which you are dedicated to broader Dao operations while I would be dedicated to Wonderland exclusively.

If you choose to run alone, I will also announce my candidacy as a solo runner.

I would like to apply for the OO position as well. 🫡


@Kingmaker9999 @xxxmetalxxx @Bamchicka @bottlecapman @MattMacGyver

I hope your application writing is going well!

In order to prepare for the RFC please ensure that your application contains all the information below. Once you are done, you can submit your application by creating a new “RFC”.

Please submit your application before 2022-11-21T15:00:00Z

If you have any concerns that you may not be able to have it done during that timeframe, please let me know so we can try to find a solution.

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Good luck!

1. Introduction with background & experience.
2. Detailed explanation of how you meet each of the requirements mentioned

  • Be a long-standing member of the community who has demonstrated a continuous commitment and regular involvement over a period of at least three months.
  • Excellent communication skills (writing/oral)
  • Strong time-management skills and an ability to organize and coordinate multiple concurrent projects
  • Flexible team player, able to adapt to changes
  • Advanced DeFi knowledge
  • Ability to gather and summarize information from multiple sources

3. Provide examples of how you would address each responsibility presented in the position’s description.

  • Collect key information from all departments and make it available to relevant parties as necessary.
  • Ensure that transactions posted to Multisig have been executed and retain all related documentation.
  • Provide support to other departments as required, such as governance research, communications support, and technical testing.
  • Provide easy-to-use materials for the communications department so that the communications team and moderators remain informed at all times.
  • Participate in all external communications with third parties for the purpose of documenting and disseminating information. Provide transparent info to the Communications Officer, for DAO transparency.
  • Ensure that workflow and information flow are established, both within and outside the Team.
  • Verification of information before communication material is officially published.
  • Feedback from the community is collected and relayed to the appropriate departments.
  • Monitoring of the Treasury Council, relay results/info to applicable departments.
  • Keep track of internal work, document it, and organize departments’ collaboration efforts, when necessary, while ensuring deadlines are met.
  • Ensure proper steps are taken once legal advice is received to ensure legal compliance and reduce liability.

4. Why should DAO members vote for you ?


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