With @TheSkyHopper’s term coming to an end, it is time to look at finding someone to pick up the torch.
In order to better inform the community about the potential prospects, we thought it would be a good idea to put out a call letter and have the different options available in one place.
To apply for the Wonderland Treasury Manager (WTM) position, please take the following steps:
- Create a DAO Discussion (DD) called “[DAO Discussion] WTM - < insert name here >”.
- Send the link of your DD to one of the forum moderators (@NalX, @Bamchicka or @AliceInWonderland .
- Post your DD in the Discord Governance channel.
Suggested ideas of topics to address in the WTM application:
- Introduction/Background & experience
- Compensation
- Intentions around being doxxed/anon
- Future plans/strategies
- Why Wonderland?
- Current issue and proposed solutions
If you have any questions in regards to the WTM application, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the team members on Discord or the forum.
Let us know what you’d like the candidates to address in the comments below!
Incoming applications will be added here in the order they are received:
@yieldchad [DAO Discussion] WTM - yieldchad
@z0li [DAO Discussion] WTM - z0li
@ns2808 [DAO Discussion] WTM - ns2808
@MarketWizard [DAO Discussion] WTM - Marketwiz
@TaeKwonDo [DAO Discussion] TaeKwonDo (BrazilianJiuJitsu on Discord) for TO (or TM if required)