[DAO Discussion] - Experiment: DAO Altproducts

I propose to experiment, create «DAO Altproducts» on the forum. It’s to give all the participants a chance to find their place and create something new in the context of the needs and culture of Wonderland.

Firstly, people want to be useful, but do not see their value within the community, and start to create similar offers and produce topics with non-existent problems - this blurs the horizon of primary tasks.
For example, game dev. We already have a good idea, but it is difficult for new participants to find the theme of this game, they do not know about its existence. At the initial stage, the team of first devs can work on the game for now without the main funds of the DAO.
Secondly, many of the participants do not have programming skills or big money, but have other talents. We are losing potentially important participants who could contribute to the qualitative growth of the DAO.
Look what happened when Dani and Sifu met. Acquaintance and communication is an important element of growth, but the best acquaintances occur within the framework of substantive discussion. If right now there is an outstanding NFT artist in our DAO, we simply will not know about his existence, because he has nowhere to talk, there is no table for it.

The creation «DAO Altproducts» will allow participants to create products without the treasurer and paid employees. If the created product - be it an NFT collection, a game script, a book or an app - turns out to be of really high quality, the product is submitted for discussion with the entire DAO in order to receive funding and help in finalizing. Everyone wins.

Why experiment:
An experiment is needed to test the ability of self-organization between DAO participants.

Experiment form:
Stage 1. Creating an MVP
At the first stage in the corresponding section, people create product ideas and organize teams without the attention and funding of the DAO. As soon as their product is ready for DAO review, it is moved to the RFC section - for this purpose, it is necessary to appoint a person who will determine the quality and perspective of the product.
Stage 2. DAO Review
In the second step, the DAO decides by voting whether to fund the product and declare it an official product of the DAO.
Stage 3. Product Refinement
If the DAO approves the product, the treasurer allocates funds to refine and improve the quality of the product. Perhaps the DAO makes additional suggestions and the team is expanding.

Time of the experiment:
10 months.

Experiment score:
I propose to consider the experiment successful if at least 1 product passes 3 stages of the experiment.
I propose to consider the experiment unsuccessful if not a single product passes 3 stages of the experiment.

Low level tasks:

  1. Collect proposals for the name of the new forum section and vote. (For the sake of simplicity, I will use my version of the name for now).

  2. Create a section on the forum “[Experiment] DAO Altproducts” (I suggest that the section be experimental so that people do not have unnecessary expectations).

  3. Create and attach a product request sample inside the section.

Product Application Sample:

Product Name: Frog Nation Book.
The purpose of the product: to attract new users and create a fundamental image of Wonderland.
Product Uniqueness: The first book about the frog nation, describing not only the history of the creation of the DAO, but also the so-called “new value”.
Profit Sharing:
20% - writer’s royalties,
20% - royalties, which are distributed equally among all team members.
60% - treasury.
Tasks for creating a product:

  • Reveal the history of the creation of the DAO,
  • Reveal the technical innovations of the created products,
  • Write a book,
  • Editing the book,
  • Edit the book,
  • Create book cover,
  • Determine a platform for publication (maybe create your own?),
  • Prepare a press release,
  • Set the price and terms of use of the product,
  • Get DAO funding to promote the product ($100K),
  • Negotiate cooperation with the media,
  • Write a protocol for the distribution of funds from sales of the book,
  • Produce a book release,
  • Report on work done,
  • Create a cash receipt counter.

Estimated development time:
6 months.
Team formation period:
1 month.
Team formation:
To become a member of the team, please write a little about yourself using the following template:

  • Your past experience and achievements.
  • What tasks would you like to take on?
  • What ideas/suggestions do you have regarding your tasks?
  • What projects are you already involved in right now?
  • How much time are you willing to devote to this project throughout the entire development period?
    End of Sample.
  1. Create and fix an additional topic to explain the experiment (especially: the section is not related to the official products of the DAO and is carried out solely on the initiative of the DAO participants; the leaders of the DAO are not responsible for self-organization and consequences)

  2. Create and fix the topic «DAO Review» along with the application sample (stage 2). Once the team decides that the product is ready, the author creates a request inside this topic for the administrator (subject to a positive response) to create a new topic in the RFC section.

Sample for DAO Review:
Product: [product link]
Product Name: Frog Nation Book.
Product goal: to attract new users and create a fundamental image of Wonderland.
Product Uniqueness: The first book about the frog nation, describing not only the history of the creation of the DAO, but also the so-called “new value”.
Expected revenue:
According to market research and personal experience, the development team expects $500K in the first year, and then descending. On average, a book lives about 3-5 years.
[link to market research]
Expected net profit of the treasury for the year after the release of the product:
Profit Sharing:
20% - writer’s royalties,
20% - royalties, which are distributed equally among all team members.
60% - treasury.
Required funding:
$100K to promote the product.
[link to document detailing costs]
Additional DAO help:
Not required, the command is framed.
Planned release date:
June 1, 2022
End of Sample.

  1. Create an RFC topic for self-nomination for the Altproducts Administrator Role.

  2. Set self-nomination condition: 1K TIME. (discussed)

  3. Select the Altproducts Administrator voting.

  4. Set the start of the experiment to March 1, 2022.

I would be extremely glad to any suggestions about this experiment. I think this will help fill the heads that are sitting around, and it will also help our community find new talents and boost the growth of the treasury. I will also listen with pleasure to the arguments against, perhaps I did not take into account something important.

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This is actually a very interesting idea. You never know what talents could potentially be in our DAO. If there was a platform for people to create and show off their skills that could create great future projects. Almost like a hackathon of some sorts.

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