[DAO Discussion] Proposal to burn $wMemo tokens

Option1 and option 2 for me is great, stop dilution and reduce supply, make the price per token go up. I am in this for the money.

Option 2 sounds better

Only that after the burn you can not cell more then 10% of your wmemo/time every month !!

Definitely both options.

Not understanding how long term holders benefit from a higher rebase. Since rebasing is just a stock split it does not really give any greater value. Can you elaborate?

Too close to the shitcoin tokenomics of a bunch of meme coins, we are not that. If we want to reduce people hopping in and out, something like a Lock would make more sense. Doesn’t even need to be a long one, just enough to introduce market timing / movement risk to those trying to speculate. However, our recent move to wMEMO means folks are no longer using the Stake feature, so we’d need to come up with a new approach, possibly in conjunction with a rewards program for airdrops etc.

TL;DR we shouldn’t try to fix market price with shitcoin tokenomics

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Option 2 for sure and probably Option 1 as well! Is it too much to ask for both?

time in treasury is not accounted when calculating price as far as I know so it does not affect the price.

Burn it ALL!! so we can move away from the OHM fork disease and move to VeVe

Sales tax is just a gatekeeping tool that makes the entire protocol 10% more illiquid imo.

while option 2 seems good for those who got liquidated and in the short term, i think that option 1 adjusting tokenomics to become deflationary may be mor beneficial in the long run. Possibly a combo of the 2: 50% burn of buy back, then steady monthly burn.

also for those who got liquidated could wonderland take inspiration from what Alchemix did and airdrop/ mint NFT’s to those degen warriors that would maybe allow for special access or a thai massage?

Based on everyone’s comments I think a combination of Options 1 and 4 from @Rootsie92 @DigitalFund @Syn would be a good approach. More specifically

Option 1

Action 1: 33.33% of the buyback should be burned immediately. This will create a spike plus a buzz which is a great look for our future CEX listing especially if consistent (idea from @DigitalFund option 4 suggestion)

Action 2: 33.33% of the buybacks should be airdropped to holders. This will create the balance needed for the long term holders that purchased around the ATH and gives more incentive for people to continue to hold (idea from @Syn suggestion)

Action 3: The last 33.33% should be burned via a scheduled burn that the DAO can agree upon throughout a 3-6 month period.

Option 4

Burn 50% of the liquidated funds immediately to spike the price plus get some buzz, then burn the remaining 50% gradually over the following 3 months at set intervals.
to add to this point we can even add the airdrop option to long-term holders, same as Option 1 above

These steps in combination with stopping inflation (high APY), improving marketing and establishing staking reward strategy could elevate the Wonderland ecosystem.

Remember that we can change the mechanics later on. For now drastic measures such as these make sense. We can modify the strategy later on.

One part I am not clear, the initial proposal is talking about a scheduled token burn while other comments are talking about burning tokens that were bought back to sustain backing price. We need to clarify which tokens were are referring to.


Those who don’t want to burn tokens because they want to save one or two hundred million should understand that treasury should align with investor sentiment. You cant take pride in having a 1 billion treasury while most your investors are at loss.

We are striving to grow treasury through seed investments. The phase of growing treasury by selling bonds is over. How big of a treasury does a crypto VC really need. It think a successful crypto VC should have a balance of happy investors and treasury. The investors matter more because they are the ones who will grow the seed investments. We can afford to only care about treasury. It needs to be a healthy relationship.


Seems Option 1 and 2 needs to be combined. This means we burn all liquidated and tokens bought below backing price. Then continue schedules burns. ( This will be preferably when treasury hits certain milestones.

I would love a burning of wMemo! Let´s actually give the holders a higher share of the project by holding.

I am for Option: 2. The buy back function for wMemo is a another use case for the token.

Thinking about it all I think Option 4 would work for me. An airdrop for loyal holders of TIME/wMEMO would be appreciated and help keep the price less volatile in the future. The burn would help with any inflationary worries.

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i 100% agree with this. I myself 3,3 since $TIME was at 8800 and i feel left behind by the manipulators / sidesteppers.
A airdrop to loyal holders would be awesome. Like every day more that you holded, you get a % more or something. Then burn the rest.
I dont want manipulators to get that burn fully.


Burning wMEMO is burning our treasury. Madness. Dont waste our treasury. Let them invest it and earn our 100x over time. The larger the Treasury the better as they can participate in many opportunities that are unobtainable to individuals eg LP’ing. Stop being short term focused. These VCs are raising hundreds of millions. We need scale to be able to compete with them. This is madness and very short term.


Absolutely yes! This increases the share of Wonderland that we all hold. Scarcity will increase value.