[DAO Discussion] Risk Officer - Sifu

Introduction/Background and Experience:

  • Currently your interim Risk Officer, going above and beyond expected duties for the role. This would be to make the role official, remove the “interim” part.
  • Fully doxxed and not only co-founder of Wonderland, but also daily active community member, who has helped and advised a variety of major DeFi projects.
  • Early supporter and major liquidity provider of nearly every major protocol in DeFi, from Yearn to GMX. I believe this shows excellent knowledge of the space and evaluation of new protocols.
  • Sharing time and knowledge with countless people who follow my wallet and need help understanding the (to them) sophisticated investments I am making in DeFi so that they can also benefit.
  • Profound knowledge of both TradFi and DeFi with over 20 years of experience on both the start-up founder, and VC side of the table. This has allowed me to build a deep network of connections which I utilise to make other protocols aware of potential risks on a regular basis.
  • Knowledge and connections to many other DeFi and CeFi protocols. Am able to
    evaluate potential seed investments and new protocols thoroughly.
  • Advisor and LP of one of the largest investment funds in TradFi.
  • Founder of Wonderland, SifuVision, and UwU Lend.
  • Learned from the instances where my initial judgment or alpha turned out to be the wrong choice, ultimately compensating affected users in some cases. This is valuable experience that adds to the vigilance I express in my own protocols and investments managing them as securely as possible.

Important risks to consider:

  • The usual gamut of investment risks such as tokenomics and emissions schedules, unlock dates, project delivery timeframes, investment horizon, and so forth. Multiisig, time locks, verified contracts are pretty basic. It’s also important to ensure Wonderland is not too heavily concentrated in one protocol (this includes UwU Lend, where we have capped stables at around 10% port size)).
  • Sometimes the projected yield is not worth other risks, such as bridge risk or loss of peg on a stablecoin.
  • I work with devs to look over smart contracts for red flags on the technical side.
  • With the upcoming community rewards system it feels more important than ever to have a well qualified Risk Officer to help protec the treasury.

Why vote for me?

  • I am largely invested in Wonderland with my personal funds as well as Sifuvision (around 115 wmemo). This means I will evaluate potential investments and deployments with the utmost concern for Wonderland, SV, and myself. It’s in my financial interest to make sure things are safu here.
  • I co-founded this project and have very deep knowledge of it. I have provided advice to community members and the team on a host of DeFi and technical issues. Many users have been calling for me to return to the project. I want to offer my expertise and support in any way I can, without being “in charge”. I feel that continuing the role of Risk Officer is the best way for me to achieve this. I have always and will continue to look out for Wonderland and its investors. It’s my wish to see it succeed.

Yes, without a doubt, you have shown your commitment to the project and your deep knowledge of the space. 100% support this, please make our funds sifu.


My name is The Ferengi and I approve this proposal.


Awesome proposal. Would be very happy to have you as risk officer officially. :grin:


No doubt :panda_face: you will do your best to keep us safe.


I also approve this proposal and hope Starfleet does too. Where is that guy


I completely support this proposal and very glad to see Sifu playing a active role in our community.


Christmas early. I was beginning to worry nobody was stepping up to keep Ruian in line.
Appreciate the proposal and all the mentorship I know you’re doing.


Short, precise, well written, straight to the point and right on the bull’s eye! Fully support this proposal!


Thank you for all you do. Can‘t imagine a better person to keep Wonderland safu.


i support Sifu… any post in WL is tough then UK ministry ! by best wishes to him.


In short. Yes.

Longer version, 100% yes.


Yes, please. I was hoping sifu would stay as RO, can’t think of anyone better suited for the job.


From Day 1, Sifu has been there for the frogs. Even when there was an unwarranted witch-hunt to see him voted out of his prior role, he didn’t disappear. He’s been here everyday putting in sweat equity with the community members, & elected team to keep the ship upright. From a work ethic standpoint alone, I know no one I’d rather have on my team than Sifu. That’s before considering his broad experience. Easy pick imo.


This topic is covered pretty well by other commentators. The only thing I can say is that it would be an honor to continue working with you in Wonderland, Ser. :orange_heart:


Sifu is very detail oriented and his knowledge of defi is unmatched. Funds are Safu.


bcm approves sifu as risk officer, no one better.